Maimonides Medical Center like all medical facilities are quick to go after the little guy for payment, but yet refuse to pay for vendor/contractor services especially under contract for which terms are agreed upon with signature. They refused to make payment because job was not done the way "THEY" wanted it done although it was explained thoroughly & multiple times why it could not be done "THEIR" way. Their Technician, further complicated the job by interfering & tampering with equipment & literature which resulted in being shut down by the State. Our company has had a long-term relationship with Maimonides for years, but with extremely high turnover, a successful business relationship could end instantly.
Previous accusations have been made by other vendors/contractors that they have also not been paid.
They tend to wait until job completion and then refuse to pay for services rendered and then hire someone else, which also runs the risk of not being paid. Now time has to be wasted to pursue legal action.