Majestic Innovations, aka Symmetry Direct, has contacted me numerous times. This information is posted on my blog, but since the company has filed a complaint to have it removed from search engines, and from blogger (which is censorship, and un-American) I wanted to also share it here:
Majestic Innovations Grand Rapids, MI.
This company has repeatedly called and harassed me regarding "full or part time work." However, make no mistake about it, this company is a pyramid scheme. What they will do is call you and ask if you are looking for full or part time employment. (How they get your name and number, I have no idea, but my guess is or something equal.) They then tell you to come in for a "group" interview where they will show more information. All it is is a meeting for you to sell their crap vitamins and other products.
Now, here is my problem with them. They have called me over the past year and a half more than 10 times. Each time, I tell them that I am not interested, and to not call me again. However, they called again yesterday, and I let them have it. I called the guy back, Lewis Martin, or something like that, and told him, I was not interested in their selling scheme, to take me off their list, and to never call me again. He responded that they don't have a list, and asked me if I was interested in employment. I again told him that I wasn't interested and to never call me again. He got angry when I told him I had already been to one of their meetings, and told me that I was talking about the wrong company. I informed him that I knew damn well what I was talking about, and that if their company, or anyone from it ever called me again, that I would call the police. After hanging up, I filed a complaint with the BBB of Grand Rapids. I also noticed that they had a website. The website that is listed on the BBB of Grand Rapids, Michigan is Interestingly enough, there is a "contact" page. With an email address for a Tim Woodcox. I emailed him, and told him under no uncertain circumstances that I was tired of harassment from his company,and that if they ever called me again, I would go to the police for harassment. This is the reply that he sent back:
I am sorry to hear that you have been contacted 4 times by one of our independent distributors. We do not use a monster search site or anything of the sort. I don't know who called you. If you were contacted by someone in my office it was because someone else outside of our business referred your name to them. Majestic Innovations opened in March of 2005. Again I am sorry. I have told your name to everyone in my office. I hope that no one will ever accidentally call you again. Have a nice day.
~Tim Woodcox
Money pyramid schemes are illegal. We operate good ethical business. I take personal offense to being called a negative pyramid scheme. I understand you are confused about our company though. Good luck to you.
His email address btw is [email protected].
Now there are a few things that I find wrong with his email. First of all, his name, and his information IS LISTED as being the contact person for the name of the company, the phone number of the company, and the website of the company that is listed and registered with the West Michigan Better Business Bureau. Secondly, no one outside of their "business" would be stupid enough to give MY name, and MY phone number to them. I don't buy that. And if that is the case, then why in the world would they consistently call and ask if I was interested in full or part time employment? (He's a liar is my guess. I have no doubt that they pulled this info off of Monster or something similar.) Majestic Innovations, did NOT open in March of 2005. I know this because I went to a meeting at their company, at the same damn address listed for the BBB last JULY... that's JULY of 2004. So for him to claim that their company got its start in March of 2005, is a little suspicious to me! And finally, I am not confused one bit about his company. They sell vitamins to their "employees" who in turn get other people in to their meetings, and get them to sell vitamins and so on and so forth. No matter what you call it, it IS a pyramid scheme. Give me a freaking break. They are unethical, unbusinesslike, and unprofessional, and I think that they shouldn't even be in the "business."
And to those who find this in a search engine, don't fall for it. Majestic Innovations in Grand Rapids Michigan IS a pyramid scheme!!!
So I finally heard back about my complaint with the Better Business Bureau. This guy, Tim Woodcox, is either retarded, or a complete liar who thinks he won't get away with it. This is his response:
From: Tim Woodcox [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 11:05 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: #13005511
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Dear Mr. Bob Morris:
Thank you for your help in resolving this dispute. I received your notice on Tuesday October 11th. I also received an email from Ms. Amie XXXXX about this same situation. Both notifications came to a me as a surprise. Before this week, I had never heard of her name. From what I understand someone in our business had contacted her after she was referred to them by someone they had met with. To my knowledge it was the first time that anyone in our office (Majestic Innovations) had contacted her. Her complaint says that Majestic Innovations repeatedly contacted her. I know that is not true. Everyone who chooses to work out of this office is an independent business partner who works on a 1099 income. I guess it may be possible that someone who was another independent representative with Symmetry could have contacted
her in the past. I think she is confused about all these calls being from Majestic Innovations. I opened Majestic Innovations on March 1st, 2005. It is an independent training center for independent representatives who choose to build a part-time or full-time business. She says that she was contacted a year ago. That is not possible for the call to be from Majestic Innovations. I know she received one call from my office by a gentleman named Louis. Louis had no way of knowing she had been called before from another company. Her name was given to him from someone he had met with about our business. She had mentioned to Louis that someone named Amy had called her or met her in that past. We don't know who that is. No Amy has ever worked in this office. Symmetry has independent representatives in 15 countries across the world. It is possible that someone else in that past called her. It wasn't anyone from Majestic Innovations. We now have her name posted in our office as someone to never call again no matter who might ever refer her name in the future. We don't receive names from any sort of name search or data base like Ms. Amie XXXXX had suggested to me in her email. We don't do any telemarketing so there isn't even a list to remove her name from as she suggested. I have attached a copy of the email she sent me. We will do everything in our power to make sure she never gets contacted again. However, we don't have any sort of calling list. We work with INDEPENDENT business partners who are on a 1099 income building a business for themselves. It is impossible for me to monitor every single call made over the next 10+ years. Please contact me if you need any further information or co-operation.
Thank you,
~Tim Woodcox
Tim Woodcox
Independent business partner of Symmetry Direct
Desk: (616) 554-1148 Cell: (616) 334-7921
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First of all, I know damn well that I have been contacted by more than one person at "Majestic Innovations." An Amy, and a Kelly have called me before, and at least one other person in the past six months. Not to mention the people who called last year from "Symmetry."
Here's what my guess is as to what happens.
First, they pull your name from, and other job sites. I am 100% positive of this, because they always call and ask the following, "are you still looking for full or part time employment." Now if this was a referral service, why in the hell would they want to know if I am looking for full or part time employment? It's not. They pull your name off of Monster, and Yahoo Hotjobs, and God only knows who else. Like I said already, no one that I know would be stupid enough to give my name in a referral service like this. And to finalize my proof, a lady who was kind enough to post her story previously said that her husband was called and a gentleman TOLD HER that him that he got his name off of Monster.
Secondly, they are constantly changing the name of the company.A lot of pyramid scheme companies do this. The place where I went for my "group interview," was at the SAME DAMN ADDRESS that they have listed on their BBB website! Imagine that! Now how could I not know exactly what I was talking about? And I even drove by the address here in town just to make sure that I wasn't crazy. I wasn't, and it was the same damn building.
Third. If in fact they were a referral service, which I don't think that they are, wouldn't they rely on word of mouth from their "independent contractors?" I mean that's how every other Pyramid scheme works. You go to a group meeting with several higher ups and the people who want you to join, and so on and so forth. In this case, they get your info off of Monster, and do a"group interview." It's no different. Majestic Innovations is a pyramid scheme, plain and simple. If people believe in what they are doing for this "company" then more power to them. But make no mistake about it, it is what the rest of the world calls a pyramid scheme.
Fourth, since the guy is making me out to look like a liar, I have half a mind to go ahead and pull my old phone bills, SHOWING the phone calls from his company and publishing them to the public. Quite frankly, I just want the pyramid scheme people to leave me alone and not to call me again, but if it happens again, they will be notified of it, and the Grand Rapids police will too.