I Purchased a MUFC home shirt for my Son in September 2007, Even though he plays football for a local team he is never allowed to wear his shirt to train in and this also includes the long sleeve black shirt that was also purchased, I purchased a training shirt that he could take training all of them NIKE. The shirt itself is still in excellent condition and looked after and washed carefully every time.
Unfortunately on Saturday 26/04/2008 the shirt was washed and when removed from the machine The white and black stripe on the lower back and also the one behind the neck of the shirt have came of in one piece.
I find this to be slightly disappointing as when you pay £45 for a Nike football shirt you expect the item to be of a very high quality and not fall apart this easy, I would obviously expect this to happen if the shirt had been a few years old and used all the item but this isn't the case, it has been well looked after and never misused, and as a company with a reputation such as yourselves
for quality and excellence we as customers have come to accept nothing less from yourselves. Having purchased a number of NIKE products over the years I find it regrettable that I write this letter of complaint to yourselves.
Yours Sincerely
Nigel Bevan