We werent in trouble when they called. I told Stephen Zadwydas that my mortgage company was Federally owned, not subject to anyones rules and would'nt modify anything.
he called back & said he had called them (USDA Rural Development, another Den of Evil) & that they would modify. They got that money all right, naturally 2 months after the fact the USDA got a whiff of what they were doing & told Julianna Sarmiento that they did NOT modify & never would. (course, they never told me)
When i got the transcripts of all contacts from MM, they never even sent in any papers at all till 4 months after she was told they didnt do it, then they vanished, you know how to find them? google their name on the want ads...
my Chapter 13 date is 8/26 & I'm sending in the small claims to Suffolk county tomorrow, I'd LOVE to help get these bastards, if not with money, how about fire?