I have been a member from day one of Manhunt, I would like to say change is good and updating should be done but only when improvement have been made. I can really not say that I personall feel that this happened.
1. I find the drop down menues to slow to drop.
2. Do not like the smaller window for profiles.
3. The mh on Demand/MH shop/Live cams are not needed on the bottom taking away from profile scrolling
4. New members are now the whole state ?
5. Cannot use far right pull down bar for scrolling down, must now use smaller one in box.
6. I really liked everthing in the box to the left. there is still a ton of room lets move it all back there.
7. With letter from CEO thought a nice few days added to my sucscription would have been a nice thing(with all the down time that has been occurring)
8. Today can not access any profiles.(under construction ?)
9. Tired of typing now, even though I could go on and on...