A loved one is incarcerated in Fl. He was sent a letter from Manifest Non Obstante Veredicto Network, amongst many other inmates, claiming that for an initial fee of $295.00 they would research his case to see if he would be eligible for a probono attorney to represent him to have his sentence reduced if they found him eligible. I researched the company and found them on the BBB w/no complaints other than that no one had ever heard of them and there were tons of complaints about them on the internet. I contacted Shani Burton who represents the company and trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, asked her for references of former clients and also for the names of the attorneys that do the pro bono work in Florida - well Ms. Burton sent me not one but three nasty emails - one in which she called me arrogant for asking such questions, told me that will not give out the names of the attorneys or clients because she didn't want me calling the attorneys office and bothering them to have to field such calls, pretty much told me that I was looking a gift horse in the mouth and I can go ahead and pay an attorney to do it and had I paid the money I would have gotten a welcome package with the name of the person who handles this organization in Florida - but because I had dared to ask a legitimate question she was therefore rescinding the offer to help my loved one. Call me crazy but that sounds like a threat to me and I have never in my life heard of a non profit organization that refuses to answer questions of a concerned loved one. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, contacted the State Attorney's office both in Connecticut and Florida and I am contacting the ABA and any non profit organization I can think of. These people need to be stopped. Giving hope to desperate individuals and rescinding offers because you ask a question is wrong and I don't want any other people to fall for it.
If anyone doesn't believe me I will show every nasty email that Ms Shani Burton sent me. I wanted to believe but it is simply not true.