The driver of a Map Trucking Co. box truck failed to yield in the right lane to left lane traffic during a county road merge, yet blamed the left lane driver.
At the next traffic light, this driver was yelling obscenities and with hand gestures followed with "Go back to your own f***ing country" over and over again.
Having absolutely nothing intelligent to say and not realizing that he was yelling these awful things in the presence of multiple cars stopped at the light, he continued to voice to everyone just how much of a racist he really is against non-whites. He managed to shine his true and only color by continuing to yell the same thing over and over again, all while the name of his company is clearly displayed on both sides of his box truck in big blue letters.
A phone call to the company office determined that the driver was actually the company owner. Wow.
Note to the owner and/or driver of the Map Trucking Co.- Look at the yellow merge sign, it clearly shows two lines showing the two lanes. Which lane is bent to the left? The right lane. Your lane. The merging lane, the one that must yield to left lane traffic. First you have to see the sign, then you have to know how to read it. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, but no, you were too busy going on your offensive, loud, public display of bigotry and hate. And what were you doing while not paying attention? On the phone?
... and as for going back to my country, I was born and raised here pal. This is my country. Publically and loudly yelling that lame attempt to get a rise out of me will definitely help secure more business, I'm sure of it. I hope this helps. You are the man.