A friend of mine has been receiving daily mailings from her and she's NEVER signed up for anything with this or any similar company. In fact, she's a very devout Christian who would never buy anything relating to astrology, psychics, New Age, metaphysical, etc. We do not know how "Maria Duval" found her name or address, but for some reason she has been sending daily snail mail letters about Hotels del Mar and mystical talismans. If she was such a good psychic, then how come she didn't know that the person she was mailing to would not be interested?
I'm going to try to convince my friend to report them to the investigation portion of the U.S.P.S. and we're looking into how she can stop receiving these messages that she never signed up for in the first place. This is bad direct marketing and frankly it looks like a scam. I have researched her and while a couple of people claim she's legitimate, hundreds have claimed that Maria Duval doesn't even exist, so it's even more of a scam and "she" has supposedly been reported in many countries such as Canada, Australia, and NZ.