Every year Marine Military Academy at 145 South Campbell Avenue gets worse. The students are fighting. The older kids are picking on the younger ones. Students also bring contrabands: fireworks; knives; guns. Many students are expelled from the school during the entire year because the teachers and the administration are Not able to instill positive character development. Students are not challenged. The classwork is minimized with 50 percent. Students are not getting any homework, which doesn't teach them any core values, and the work load in class is very minimum. The reason about this is because students are not used to do their homework, and teachers and administrators are not able to instill this POSITIVE CORE value in the students. The work load is minimized and there is no homework because this is the politics of the school. In this way the school can pass AYP. Otherwise, if students don't do their homework and classwork, they will fail the class. The more students fail classes, less likely it is for the school to pass AYP. On another side, the school receives less federal and state money if it does not pass AYP. AYP is the Adequate Yearly Progress, “the U.S. government's measure of how individual public schools perform” (http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-107723545.html).
This is cheating on the side of the principal, Paul Stroh, because he has not been honest to the state about the condition of the school and its standing. He takes the easy and short road. Since students look up at the adults for acceptable behavior, they learn from the principal that dishonesty and cheating will always lead them to success, which negative core values could be seen by the students throughout the entire school. However, they are not taught the real truth that hard work and honesty is actually what leads people to success. As a consequence of the principal’s greedy and thirsty desire for success, students’ future is impacted in a negative way. The principal is using the lives of children for his own personal advancement and prestige.
When students go to college, they will prefer to take the short cut by cheating on tests and copying from internet resources which will lead them to getting expelled from college. In addition, as adults they are more likely to cheat on their taxes which can put them in a lot of trouble with the law. Studies have proved the fact that the more students are exposed to dishonesty and cheating during their education, more likely they are to cheat in college and on their taxes because this is the core value instilled in them.
The administration and the staff definitely brush students’ minds to go in the army and fight. This could also be seen from the Eisenhower Drill competition where students participated as armed Platoon military army. By the end of their freshmen year, 90 percent of the students want to go in the army or be involved with it in one or another way when they finish high school. Can you imagine how many students are really applying to the army during their senior year? Their words are " I want to enter the army and die fighting." From this fact, it could be very easily seen that the mission of Marine Military Academy at 145 South Campbell Avenue is not to prepare students for college. This idea is just introduced to the people in order for them to have students. However, behind this lie and exaggeration is the truth about the mission of this school, which is recruiting the young and innocent members of the American society to enter the army. If you don’t want your child to go in the army, you need to send him/her to college prep school or another school that is not affiliated with the U.S army.