My company, was hired by Dan League of Market Infusion to do the SEO work for several of their clients because they have no SEO people or SEO experience, in fact everything is done by contractors.
I finished a job early for Dan League of Market Infusion and instructed him that final payment was now due, but he started giving one excuse after the other...he even said the person that writes the checks was killed in that plane crash that happened in February '09 and that all bank accounts were frozen...the fact is, is that Dan League of Market Infusion is a habitual liar and has ripped off many contractors...I know this because after I posted what he done on my blog, many other people who he's ripped off started finding that post and leaving their stories. The post can be found here:
Bottom Line: Dan League of Market Infusion is a conman and knows absolutely nothing about online marketing...steer clear of this man!!!