Mark's Auto Repair -
11417 Ne 23rd St, Choctaw - (405) 769-6923
Mark's Machine Shop -
11417 Ne 23rd St, Choctaw - (405) 769-6927
Business Info: Mark's Auto Repair
P.O. Box 1069
Nicoma Park, OK 73066
- 405 399-2439
405 769-6923
Marks Auto Repair, Nioma Park, oklahoma. Mark Brill who messed up and caused even more damage and won't own up to his mistakes. Typical a-hole mechanic. Our F-350 truck was towed in for repairs and the mechanic found a bad injector, bad battery, and dirty ECM plug. They were told not to worry about the injector. They cleaned the ECM plug and were supposed to put the bad battery out of series leaving 3 good batteries in series.
In less than 24 hours, the alternator went out causing another tow bill and costly repairs equal to what was charged at Marks Auto Repair. We had to have the alternator replaced and this was all due to the fact that the mechanic at took a good battery out of series leaving a bad one in series.
When we called them to let them know what was happening and why it was happening, they denied that it was their fault even though they did the work.
We feel they are ripoffs and caused more problems than they fixed with our truck.