Jeanne Young
January 7, 2009
cigarettes won't burn
I have been smoking Marlboro cigarettes since 1972, and paid .38 a pack and have paid the increases over the years, and although I can't afford the price you put on them, I still smoke them by choice even if I have to cut back on food and other luxurys to be able to. About the last week or so, I have burned holes in everything I own because they won't burn. When I light them back up, the paper flames up and then falls off on wherever I'm sitting, and before I can take another drag off of it, it goes out again. When I put the cigarette out, I want another one as soon as I'm finished, because I didn't get to smoke the first one. I heard the government put something in them so they wouldn't burn. That's like making food you can't eat. What's the purpose? I quit for three months cold turkey when I turned 43 because I wasn't getting to go walking to counteract the cough and congestion. The nicotine habit isn't hard to break. It only stays in my system 7 days so I don't get the joke on companys making 1000's of dollars by taking advantage of smokers. I chose the habit when I was 13 and I still choose it at 50 except now I can't smoke because they won't stay lit. I don't feel that anyone has the right to say how I smoke. I have invested many dollars on Marlboros and Marlboro products through promotions and other oppurtunities. I already can't smoke in public. I had to go to a designated area at work before an 18 wheeler pulled out in front of me and broke my knee in 4 places, broke my ankle off and had surgery to put 2 screws in my ankle plus it crushed my heel totally. I had three surgerys. I couldn't smoke in the hospital and I've been on the couch with my leg elevated for 5 1/2 months to keep it from swelling. Since I can't work and all I can do is lay around, I smoke even more than I did before. I've already used up a can of butane from having to fill my lighter up everyday because of having to light each cigarette 10 or 12 times. It is very aggravating. I'm paying $5.00 a pack or $45.00 per carton to have my luxury of choice. I made 1.65 an hour when they were 38 cents a pack. Now I make 8.00 an hour (or was before I was injured)and they are 5.00. That alone is rediculous, but now I'm paying that and can't even enjoy them. I don't know who's idea it was to add an anti-burn ingredient to a product that is supposed to burn, but it has definitely devestated me. At this point until I get better, my quality of life is laying in pain, watching T.V. to distract myself from it and smoking. I have an air filter that creates a natural ozone in my home, so it's not like I'm inconsiderate of others around me. I'm very considerate of others every where I go because I realize it's my habit and I have great respect for those that don't smoke, including my daughter. I already put up with having to clean nicotine off of everything in my home because it's my choice to smoke, but I believe that someone is determined to put tobacco companies out of business by making this change and it's been around since the beginning of time when it came from a seed that God put here for people like me. Instead of spending $200.00 + per month in the future to buy them ready made from whoever is messing them up, I'm having my neice take me to the tobacco store tomorrow to buy a pound of tobacco and the tubes with filters on them and I can roll 3 cartons for $20.00. I'm happy about the savings but I'm very disappointed in whoever made the choice to screw up a commodity. I remember when Santa Claus advertised Winston on T.V. I hope enough smokers complain and the economy will suffer worse than it already is so they will have to go back to the way they were. If not, I've got 2 sleeping bags, a tent, multiple keychains, lighters, T-shirts, beach towels, and other items with the Marlbore logo on them that I will not use anymore. I hope they don't start putting additives in sugar or coffee or a million other things that makes America turn everyday by making them undesirable. They've already got the planet to where we can barely live on it as it is, because no one can afford anything of their choice if they have an average job and didn't have the money to go to college. I don't mean to sound rude, but my dad fought in World War II and risked his life so that the Country could remain "free" and I have worked hard since I was 13 and now I'm 50, can't work because of someone else's lack of paying attention and couldn't afford to go to the Doctor or Dentist when I was able to work so I think they should leave cigarettes alone for Pete's sake. For what it's worth, THANK YOU! J.Y.