I went into a Marshall (Stafford Plaza, 11830 Wilcrest Drive, Houston - Wilcrest Dr., TX 77031
281-879-4866 )in Houston, TX to return a silicone steaming pot I had bought a week earlier only to face the most blatantly rude customer service from none other than the manager of the store, a miss Cathy. Not only did she speak to me in a loud and nasty tone (my 15 month old started crying, thats how loud she was) she actually laughed in my face when i said i would like to speak to the manager. 'Do you see this (pointing to her name tag) Hon, i am the manager, get it?)' And it was not the fact that I was returning something that made her turn nasty, she was nasty from the very second I approached her. Not sure if she was having a bad day or if the fact that I am a 1st generation (thus obvious) immigrant was what caused her behavior.
I have never experienced such hostile and downright rude behavior. If a manager behaves in such a way, I cant begin to imagine what employees under her must be doing. And just for your information, my husband returned the same pot at the very same location later that night without an issue. Maybe his being a Caucasian and not brown like me had something to do with it all? I am disgusted and will not be shopping Marshall again.