Was adviced by our wonderfull UIF Department after several calls, emails and personal visits, that no documentation have been received from my side. No claim of mine have been submitted. What is so extremely amazing of this department is that I was told to come in and identify the person who submitted my claim as well as to help her look for my application. If the government is in need of staff to do the job why do they not employ me (i'm jobless) and last but not the least surely they think that us who is without jobs still have a income even though you jobless because we manage to do all there word and still they get PAID for this not US!!! I need my money, I have to children to support and this is a shame on our government name (the absolute incompantancy on the workers side to help people with their claims). My money was good enough before I manage to get my salary when I was still employed but now I have to earn it back again by working for the government without pay to the benefit of others. My number 0836814543