Dear Sir/Madam,
We took delivery of Marithi Esteem VXI in June 2007, and it has been problematic ever since. Our problem is that water is getting inside the car. The floorboard, back seat etc get wet during rains. Even when there are no rains and the car passes through waterlogged puddle, my floor board consistently gets wet. The car floorboard remains consistently wet even after a month of rains stopping.
The very next week after we bough the car, an improper beading in the rear seat needed to be corrected. That problem was addressed decently by the service center and an replacement for the beading was provided.
Now, the wetness problem is so prevalent that even a vacuum cleaner cannot be used to clean the car since it is wet all the time.
Finally the problem of wetness, seems to be like a thorn that wont go away. We therefore are asking for a complete replacement for the car, given the trouble that we have been through over the last two years. Please respond at the earliest.
Srinivasan Subramanian