dear sir, i brought a new maruti swit vdi car from prem motors pvt ltd jaipur. at the time of delivery they did not the deliver the car on the delivery order issued by sunderm finance jaipur to me. they want cash payment from me. if i have cash for car then why i have to finance this car from finance company. but how & how i got the car at 5th of may 2009 at 9.30pm in night. now my car is noising badly like as a old car. i complante about this to prem motors pvt ltd jaipur. but they did not done anything. they call me and call my car at their service senter many time. i m living at 60 km distance from pem motors pvt ltd. sir, i lost 3000 thousand ruppes in this prosses for fuel and toll tax.
dear sir, my car is doing noise from front side, dess board, full body vibrating, n trabble sound is on when i drive my car.
if the authorised delear can't service the car then why they sold he car. it's a very rudly police of maruti suzuki.
if maruti suzuki will not solve our problem then they will lose their sell.