Massage Envy

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Massage Envy Reviews

TG21 August 6, 2010
fraud, misrepresentation, bad service
WARNING! STAY AWAY FROM MASSAGE ENVY! I was concerned about a committment given my busy schedule. The company's representative told me that the one-year committment was not enforced at her location and that 30 days notice was all that was required to get out of the contract (I would not be surprised if these folks are on some sort of commision and do not know how serious it is to fraudally induce someone for monetary gain). After being charged monthly while not being able to schedule massages due to the location's high volume of business and lack of open appointments, I gave my 30 days notice. The manager informed me that I was locked in for a year and that there is no way one of her employees would tell me that I could terminate with proper notice. She was rude and offensive. I decided to not challenge them because the whole point, after all, was to achieve relaxation and relieve stress. Well my problems with them have continued--double booking appointments, etc. Recently, sometthing happpened that was the last straw--something I cannot condone. I had voiced my disagreement over another scheduling snafu with the Manager and she told me "tough luck, " I was so mad that I informed that I was an attorney, if I had to that I would sue her. At that point, she told me that she and her employees would knowingly fabricate false testimony to aid there defense. I do not want to get into specifics here in the event that I do file suit, but it was an outright jaw-dropper. When I complained furhter up the chain of command at ME Corporate, I was met with the same attitude--"ME is always correct... the customer is always wrong... we do not believe we are not refunding your money under any circumstances... tough luck" Who is training these people on customer service? Unbelievable--stay away. I will be telling everyone I know what these people are about.
Mitzi729 August 2, 2010
I became a member a few months ago and have had nothing but problems, and I am completely fed up. I receive Massage Envy gift cards about once a year, always for an hour long massage+tip. The last time I used one, I ended up joining and have regretted it ever since. I was given a gift card back and told there was still money on it, but when I tried to use it on my following visit, I was told there was nothing on it and I must have been given the wrong card back. I was not offered any compensation for that lost money. After thinking about this, I called and checked to see how much was charged to previous gift cards and found that quite a bit of money had been left on every one, yet I was never told this, nor was any of it ever credited to my account. I had to talk to several different people for them to even begin tracking the money down. They finally did, and it was nearly $80 that I had been swindled out of. They gave some excuse about the gift cards being bought at a different location so they didn't have the information in their computer system. Umm...wasn't that supposed to be a huge "perk" of joining Massage Envy? Being able to go to all these locations nationwide and them having my information stored? It isn't. I've been to a Houston location and it was the biggest ordeal to even find my information in the computer system. They don't seem to be linked at all, and there is nothing convenient about these different locations.
Right after I joined, I had to cancel my debit card due to fraudulent charges being made on it. That very same I day I went to my Massage Envy location in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to inform them of this because I knew I was due to be charged for my monthly bill in a few days. I explained the situation and arranged for them to delete the current card information and to change my charge date. I then made an appointment for the following week in order to bring them my new card information after I received it. Upon showing up for said appointment, I was asked in a hushed tone if I received a call because my card was declined when it was run. Well, duh, yes. I explained this all to these same people before. I went through the whole scenario again, and gave them the new card information. Problem solved, right? Apparently not. I just received a final notice saying that I was behind on payments because my card kept getting denied every month and that I was being reported to the Credit Bureau. I never received a first notice. If there was a problem with my card, why was I never called? Pretty sure they have my phone number on file. No attempt was made to contact me. They were still charging the canceled debit card. I am so incredibly furious. I have explained the situation and given them new card information twice. I called them immediately and went over everything again for a third time. This is ridiculous. This is the most shoddily run business I have ever dealt with in my life. Oh, and apparently the appropriate measure for them reporting me to the Credit Bureau and destroying my credit due to their incompetencies is to give me a free half hour massage. Yea, that will help me out. I never want to step foot in a Massage Envy again. I have reported them to the Better Business Bureau, and I highly recommend everyone else doing the same. I want nothing more to do with this company.
XxWafflesxX July 28, 2010
Got Fired For No Reason
I would first like to say how much of a sham this place is. I saw a job listing for this place on the internet and since I needed a second job to pay my bills I thought I would apply. The day I dropped the application off I spoke with the hiring person. She seemed nice in the completely drugged out sort of way. A couple of days later I got a phone call and they wanted to set up an interview with me. I thought that I had finally gotten some good luck. I thought that with all my experience I would at least get $9 to $10 per hour. So I got to my interview on Wednesday and have an hour long interview. The interview might not have taken as long if the interviewer was actually interviewing me more than talking on the phone or ringing out customers. At the time I didn't let it bother me because I was eager to please. Even when I was told that I would only be making $8 per hour, which is $.76 less than my other job, I was still excited. They told me I would make up that difference in no time because I would be making a commission of the 12 month memeberships I sold. When I left that office I was on cloud 9. Not even 24 hours later I get the call that I got the job. They want me to come in the next day. So we are on Friday now and I have to go in for 4 hours. I thought I would at least get alot of training done. I spent my 4 hours filling out 2 pieces of paper. Getting a stack of paper that was supposedly my employee handbook and 2 workbooks. I spent maybe half an hour actually doing a little training on the computer demo. So then before I leave I'm told that I will be working Tuesday and not to expect to have weekends off for awhile. I'm still ok with that. I'm scheduled for Tuesday at the buttcrack of dawn and I go in all smiles and happy. I am told that I need to review what I learned in the demo on Friday. No big as I remembered it. I even read all three of the giant ass handbook/workbooks they gave me. I'm feeling pretty good. My day is going great until the owner of the franchise walks in. Before we really even get properly introduced she gives me this speech about how "she is only giving me 30 days to learn all of what I need to know and that if I can't hack it then I need to tell them now so I can stop wasting their time." I'm a bit rattled by this but I put my confident face on and keep going. As the hours go on I feel pretty confident and the trainer lets me book an appointment. As soon as I do a couple of those the owner calls the trainer int he office and tells her how I shouldn't be booking appointments yet and how I should still be doing my training on the demo. All of this I overheard from the owners office. So of course I don't want to get myself or others in trouble and just stick to answering phones and ringing up clients. By this time I have already been there almost 2 hours past my scheduled time. I get the okay to go home and then the manager comes out and informers me that I have to stay because she has an appointment. She doesn't ask me. She tells me. So I stay until the next girl comes in to take my place and I make my way out the door. As I walk to the bus stop the trainers advice is being tossed around inside my head. Her constant telling me I should be more perky, (by the way, people hate when they come in happy and in a great mood and then some jack ass tells them they need to be more perky.) I need to get more used to the phone(which I am very used to as I had to answer almost the entire day) and how if I can't handle this job I need to let them know now. So I get on my bus and ride the 40 minutes home and at this point I'm mentally exhausted. But I got to bed early so I can wake up early this morning. So I get up again at the ass crack of dawn and get ready for work. I have my husband drop me off and I go inside to hear that the trainer wants me to review the same lessons I have done 3 days in a row. If she was actually training me instead of doing other things she would know that I had that part of the demo down. So I do it anyway and then I have a list of people given to me that I need to call at 8 in the damn morning. I am given this list so that she can flirt with a massage therapist at the counter. She sends me into the owners office so I can make my phone calls. And by the way if any of you happen to be someone I called this morning I am very sorry to have woken you up. So I'm sitting in the owners office, dialing numbers and pretty much harassing people all with a very big smile on my face because I am told that I need to smile on the phone cause people can hear it in my voice. I am going about my calls when the owner comes into her office with a massage therapist and while I am sitting there starts talking about how 2 other massage therapists got complaints and how she isn't going to put up with it anymore. And as she is saying this I am less then 10 feet away and having to make courtesy calls to people with her talking really loud about these other people. I'm sure when some clients check their voice mail they can catch snippets of this conversation. So I finish up and go back to the front counter and the trainer asks me if I'm ready to start booking people. At this I'm of course nervous and tell her maybe later on in the day as I don't want to mess anything up. She tells me okay and we start doing work. The other receptionist comes in and she nicely gives me some tips even though she's only been working there for 3 weeks. I feel abit more confident about what I am doing and ask her questions about the other aspects of the job. I felt like she was training me more than my "trainer" had done in the last 2 times I had been there. So then my trainer comes out of nowhere and asks me to type something in to the computer. I do it for her, but when I look at the sticky note where she has a zip code written, it doesn't look anything like what I typed. So not wanting her to feel bad that she gave me the wrong numbers I casually say that if the number she wrote down and the number I typed in are different then it must be that my brain and hand aren't connected. The owner heard this and called my trainer in to her office. I knew they were talking about me and I thought I would get another pep talk. But as soon as the door opened the owner walked into the reception area and my trainer told me to come in. Apparently I was getting more of a pep talk than I had bargained for and that's when my trainer proceeded to tell me that I just wasn't picking up the training and that she didn't want to waste anymore of my time or their time training me since it was going nowhere. I was floored at this. Here it was my second day of training and 3 hours after I got to work this morning I was being let go. I honestly think that maybe if my trainer had paid more attention to training me and less time to the massage therapistthat she was flirting with or gossiping with the owner I would have been more comfortable doing more than just folding towels. And just so you know the folding towels was actually the only thing I was trained to do and I got 2 days of training on that. No joke. Massage Envy is a sham of a place to work for and their rules make no sense. I especially liked the rule that said I wasn't allowed to smoke in uniform or while I was at work. I was told the reason for this is that we are trying to promote a healthy image and that the smell is awful. I actually followed that rule. But a rule they should have had is that the trainer can't eat her raw tuna fish with peas behind the counter because it made the whole reception area stink. So thanks a bunch Massage Envy for wasting my time. I hope you go out of business.

I'm actually sorry about how long this complaint is.
Massage Lady July 26, 2010
Do you really want to save money here?
Potential clients should know:
Advertised prices don't include the extra fees. You won't get a massage for $39.. They TELL you a monthly contract is $39 a month, but it you look at the various signs, 6 months is $296 + fees.
You don't need a membership. They will give you "Preferred Client" rates, that are lower than walk-in prices. In some cases, they will continue to give you membership rates if they think it will get you to renew, HOWEVER, don't forget, the added fees takes you right up to the higher price.
If you walk-in, you will be paying the same prices or higher than any other place in town.
You will be encouraged to "save money" on your membership by having 1.5 hours massages. That's simply to get you to burn up your membership faster, so you are buying another in 4 months instead of 6, and then of course buying 3 a year instead of 2. They pressure you after a massage when you are vunerable to sign and cancel later within 3 days, hoping you'll forget.
You will be asked if you would like to add a tip (before the service) that may or may not get to the therapist. Cash in the room envelopes is the only sure way you money goes where it's intended. The therapist may or may not be paid for your massage, or other things.
The emphasis is on making a sale. They know you aren't likely to renew. They want the cash up front as fast as they can generate it, no renewable business.
You are unlikely to establish a long time relationship with a therapist for best health practices, as the owner is afraid you will follow that therapist into another practice, so you will be refused a request for your therapist.
While not actually pimping the therapists, the owners does promote MTs to potential clients based on how they look, their age, their size.
Not one front person, the owner or the CA are trained in massage. Don't bother to tell them what's wrong and hope for proper MT placement. Their responsibility is to fil the schedule and sell memberships.
Massage Lady July 26, 2010
Inside Information
I worked at ME for approximately 6 months. Aside from all the illegal work requirements for employees, the health and safety of clients is a joke. Potential client should know this. The office I worked in regularly has water running under the doors and the carpet is naturally mildewed and moldy. A health hazzard for everyone, employee or client. In June, the sewers backed up into most of the massage rooms. The owner refused to close for the day (It was even a Monday, the slowest day of the week too). We were instructed to say it was water damage and not allow anyone back into the restroom area, where feces was floating and all around the laundry room too. No appointments were cancelled or even pushed back in the day. We were expected to simply work in that situation and explose our clients to possible diease. The mess was simply mopped up with a bit of bleach water. that is what could be reached without moving equipment. The carpet was simply shampooed, not pulled up and treated. Every time the room begin to reek, they sprinkle carpet deodorizer and hope that works. The entire facility is now breeding mold, mildew and who know what from the remaining sewage. I do have pictures I will post later.

Proper sanitation proceedures are not followed on a daily basis.

LMTs are told by the owner to, "Put customer service before their training." In other words, if the client asks for something that could potentially harm them, do it anyway and don't ask questions, or educate and suggest something else.
Steemed in Parker July 11, 2010
Acct. Freeze/Cancellation Policy
Massage Envy is the worst!!!

First of all, if you make an appointment BEFORE your monthly charge is taken, they conveniently "forget" to let you know that you have the option of taking your monthly charge early vs. incurring a charge at the time of service, as well as the std. monthly charge. Thus paying for two services in a given month. This has happened to us at least twice.

Second, after breaking my left leg and bones in my right foot which required surgery, I called to see what my options were as far as freezing or cancelling my account. I spoke to a really nice clerk who discussed with me that I simply needed to fill out an "account freeze" form and fax back ASAP in order not to incur a charge for July. I did all of that and indicated on my form that I had two broken legs and that I was freezing only my service, not my husbands.

Imagine my surprise when another clerk called back and seemed to be "confused" by why I needed to freeze my account. Duh!!! While I was trying to ask questions and see whether the information provided by the other clerk was correct, she kept interrupting me and saying that she didn't know who faxed me that form or who told me what. In addition, she indicated she was "confused" by the information I had put on the freeze form. As I was trying to figure out my options, she kept interrupting me. I asked her several times to let me finish speaking. But, she kept interruping me. Since I've had numerous issues with this particular clerk, I finally said I should just cancel my entire account. She then hung up on me. I then tried calling back and kept getting the voice mail. So, I kept calling and finally got the same clerk again. She then told me that in order to cancel, I would need a written note from my doctor. Can you imagine? As she said, "yes, we need a written notice from your doctor that you can't have massage due to your foot." Duh!!! I broke bones in both legs. I'm not weight bearing on both legs for 4 weeks so I'm not sure how I would even get to the facility. To prove my point, I sent the attached picture.

I also asked for a number for corporate and of course, none was available. But, by going to this website, I found a number for Richard Adams - 480-366-4103. And, I knew corporate was out of Phoenix, AZ.

In addition, if you cancel, you only have 30 days to use the credits that occur because of the above situation. And, if you freeze your account and then cancel, you have to give 30 days notice so you occur a charge and then have to use all credits within a 30 day period (again, two charges).

Thank goodness I had been a member for more than 6 months or my options would have been worse.
Elmira June 29, 2010
Never again
My husband and I had a bad experience at the Massage Envy in Naperville, Illinois on Rt.59 and 95th street. I've had many massages in the past at Asha spa, it's an Aveda based spa and they were great. This was our first time visiting Massage Envy. They didn't give us the full hour because of the paperwork, wish they told us to come early to fill that out. The therapist, Jaclyn was horrible. She used too much pressure. At one point I told her, "that hurts" and she said ok, but didn't alter the pressure at all. I woke up today with a very sore back, this has never happened before. I'm a little concerned about it, I have to take Motrin to alleve the pain. I really hope this goes away soon. She was really young and might not have much experience. It's a chop shop, we'll never go there again. When you have a good experience you tell a couple people, when you have a bad experience you tell 50.
nc123 June 27, 2010
false advertisement
I received a gift card for a massage for mothers day.I went to use it and the experience was great until I was checking out... The sales pitch started! I was offered a promotion that was going on that weekend for 3 free months, or so they say. They falsely promoted! They already got payment from my gift card, charged me the following month( thank god I look at my creditcard statement) and when confronted about this they said it was just a simple mistake and they will fix it. So I went for a 2nd massage in which they said that I must pay for!! My massage was ruined as my stress was returned b/c once again I was asked for payment! The staff lied just to get credit for a sale! This is unacceptable that a business can falsely promote... Now Im stuck in a contracted until November with a company that is not trust worthy as the only way to cancel is with a doctor note or reloacation
heatherbirdlady June 17, 2010
WARNING! gift cards don't cover the cost, membership scam!
This i just a warning to anyone considering buying a gift card for a loved one from massage envy!
Massage envy will sell you a gift card, and tell you it is all inclusive, including tax and tip and massage, but when your loved one goes to pay with the their gift card, massage envy invents extra fees, and tells your loved one that either they must pay out of pocket on the spot, or be FORCED into joining an expensive monthly membership THAT THEY CANNOT, YES CANNOT, CANCEL!
singermom June 17, 2010
Good luck ever getting out of this without getting ripped off!
I made the mistake of signing up for a year membership with this scam. I thought it would be nice way to relieve some stress once a month and the price seemed like a great deal. However, it has turned into more of a cause of stress than anything else. Nothing against the massage therapists there, the problem is with their corporate policies.

First, they told me I could use my Flexible Spending account to pay for them, which I can, but not without sending in documentation, which I have to go to their location to get, still ok...but I got behind on submitting the paperwork and my Flexible Spending card was frozen so they couldn't put any more charges on it and neither could I until I got everything turned in. AND, even though I had several PREPAID massages to use, I couldn't use them until they could charge my card for MORE massages which I didn't find out until I went in for a massage and was told I would have to pay outright for it, even though I had already prepaid for several massages that I hadn't used yet. Once I got the paperwork submitted and could use my Flex card again, they charged another 3-4 massages on it all at once, so now even though I've gone a couple of times, I still have 7 prepaid massages to use. I have more than completed my original year contract and it seems ridiculous to continue to use my Flexible Spending money on yet more massages, so I asked if they could please stop charging more until I could get "caught up". It still costs another $15-$20 for tip everytime I go. I was told they could freeze my membership, but then I wouldn't be able to use the massages I had already paid for! For an additional $10 per prepaid, I could convert them to gift cards, but after reading other complaints on here, that would be another mistake.

THIS PLACE IS A SCAM!! If I can ever find a way to get out of it, I will never go back!! I may just have to cut my losses and chalk it up to stupid tax! Too bad they had to screw up what could have been a nice concept by ripping off their customers. You shouldn't have to continue to buy more in order to use what you've already paid for.

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