September 14, 2007
Matchmaker scam artists!
Matchmaker Int'l totally sucks! I see by other posts, a lot of people think so too! First, I was guilted or more like bullied by the owner's son into doing it. Instead of the $2500 I was supposed to pay he gave me a deal of $1500 he said and was going to take it out in monthly payments of $182. I said um hello that would be $2000. He quickly got mad and refigured it to $124 and politely told me not to tell the "gentleman" I didn't have to pay full price. Anyway Shane said "you'll never get a man who needs $20 for gas money for this service." Well the first referral I got, the man said he didn't like to spend money on movies because they are $8.50 you know. I said "and how many thousands of dollars did you pay for this service?" Anyway, the second referral was even worse. I asked for a professional man and all I got was a rodeo rider. He claimed to be 5'8" but he's more like 5'4" and I towered over him at 5'7." Yes it was a riveting redneck conversation of horses bucking and dying. I forgot to mention in my last post that this man got up and left during our date. I called Matchmaker and said my God I have 2 master's degrees, why would I be interested in a 2 digit midget rodeo rider? I could pick up a man off the street better than these guys and it would be free! Needless to say they would not stop debiting my payments and I am stuck with this crap for a year. Matchmaker is mean and evil and the guy who runs it claims hes' such a good Christian and a Deacon. They even have a bible as a prop up in front. His sons work for him and they all are married but are the most feminine men ever. They make Boy George look like a bruiser. A word to the wise, these people are scam artists from the word go! They pray on lonely people and send the most crappiest matches ever, they don't care, they think they are fulfilling their obligation by giving you quantity. NOT QUALITY.