Matthew King represented my company for a product sale In December of 2009 in which he collected over $1, 500 cash for the sale. The next day, he paid me half in cash and half with a check, which he asked me to cash after December 25, 2009. The check bounced, and since then, he has repeatedly promised to pay the money and his promises have not materialized.
He paid a portion of the money owed in March, but still owes me over $450 plus interest and fees outstanding. He has not returned my phone calls, text messages and emails repeatedly. If I do not get a resolution in due time, I will take him to court, even if it means costs and time on my side, because I will not let this go on principle. The bounced check will serve as evidence in court for intent to de-fraud, which in New York state law is considered check fraud and can result in misdemeanor charges and also up to 3x the bounced amount in fines.