Dear Sirs,
Maxi Burn Free Trial offer
I have been trying to cancel my subscription for the above product. The form supplied on-line by kelly via will not accept my telephone number and I cannot therefore cancel my subscription. There is no email address to enable me to submit my cancellation any other way. My details that I entered are:
First Name: Peter
Last Name: Goucher
Address: 14 The Close
City: Harpenden
Zip Code: AL5 3NB
Telephone: 01582713978
Email Address:
CS Rep: kelly
Order Number: 1946080
Password: online
Signature: petergoucher
As I mentioned on the phone, I will be out of contact for two weeks or so and wish to avoid any further debits to my card. Please can you ensure that my subscription is CANCELLED and no further charges made to my card.
I have retained a copy of this complaint should I need to contact the trading standards authority here in the UK.