I paid MBA Offshore S.A. Euro 59.00 on 01/29/09, for the service they offered to help
me open an offshore bank account. Their offer was for a bank which charged no account
opening fee. They emailed me the contact information for a Latvian Bank. When I
checked with the bank, I found they charge Euro 100.00 as account opening fee. Since
this was against the assurance given by MBA Offshore S>A>, I told them I could not open
an account with this bank, and asked them to refund my payment. They did not reply to
my message. Since then I have written to them five times, without getting any response.
The truth of my assertion can be checked on this company’s website, as well as, on the
Website of the bank. The website addresses are given below:
MBA Offshore S.A. : http://home.arcor.de/offshoretoplist/offshore.html
Latvian Bank : http://www.rietumu.com/open_private_bank_account.htm