To whom it may Concern: Please be adivised that I hereby authorize and appoint MBM Group, LLc Attorneys staff and other persons it may designate) as my attomey-in fact to take the following actions on my behalf:To work on get my Home loan Modification Group, Mr. P.J. Evangelista was the person i was working and talking with, he said the price of the lawers frees was 3, 000 and i would have to overnight by U.S. Mail to 2 payment of 1, 500 each the first one was on
6/3/09 the other one 7/4/09 address was 11856 Balboa Blvd. Suite#203 Granada Hills CA 91344 . I have not received a Modification or am i able to talk with anyone by phone. And now my Mortagage people will not talk with me I'm paying by sending the payments and they don't cash my checks. and will not talk with me.