Although I am not the first to post an MBNA claim, I feel there is strength in numbers.
I have had an ongoing battle over MBNA's fishy practice of moving their due dates. I was caught like others relying on the date remaining constant. For three straight months I had paid double the minimum due on INTEREST FREE charges. It seems that MBNA tired of not being able to charge interest on my balance, so they bumped my due date FIVE DAYS. My December bill was due on the 28th and now February was due on the 23rd. An magically, in February, MBNA took over a week to apply my payment, and presto - a late fee AND the interest free balance now becomes interest bearing. Funny how Februrary is the shortest month of the year and MBNA's explanation of the due date being moved was " ... to keep a constant billing cycle based on weekends, holidays and the length of the month..." Huh? Sounds more like "let's pop some accounts into default so we can earn some late fees."
Regardless, I called MBNA and pleaded my case and was roundly informed by Ms. Kathy Cousins, a customer "service" manager that " a consumer, if I was not happy with the way MBNA handled my account I could take my business elsewhere." Well, taking her sage advice to do just that, I inquired and received a payoff balance and mailed MBNA the check - closing the account.
The next month on the very same day, I received a letter asking me to reinstate my account AND a statement attempting to charge me for interest on my balance, which was paid off.
Needless to say, attempts with MBNA to remove this interest charge have failed. My guess is that they have spent about one hundred hours trying to convince me that they have investigated the issue on my behalf and found the interst charge is valid. No wonder they have to gouge their existing cardholders.
So, fellow MBNA gougees, you are not alone. American Express loves my new business!