Mistreatment by a Hispanic attendant and the Manager. Slighted by attendent who gave me a medium cup of coffee instead of the large cup that I requested. Then I later determined that she charged me for the medium cup. When I inquired about this
she slighted or ignored me and jerked her head as if in defiance. No apology. When I reqeusted to speak with the Manager, he was not supportive at all. He missed my entire point[that I was given the wrong size of coffee.] I asked for the Local Manager of Victoria, he proceeded to call her. I then informed him that I wanted her name and number, I would call. He gave me this and then asked me, "Why are you talking loudly? I said, "Oh no you don't pull that number on me. This is the same tone of voice that I've used since I arrived here.l" I knew that he was trying to imply that I was causing a raucus, I suppose to get me thrown out. Actually, he is the one who began to speak loudly. After hearing what I said in my same moderate tone. He then calmed down. I have called the Victoria Manager of McDonald's several times and left a message with my return call number. As of present, I have not received a response.
I feel slighted and devalued as a consumer at this McDonald's.