I've experienced or heard of come crappy employers, but this is the worst I've personally experienced. This is a workers' comp carrier, based in Michigan.
They give the outward appearance of being a wonderful place to work, a great place to do business with... NOT! The employee of a company they insured got seriously hurt. A member of MCIM's management actually said, "Well, lets hope they die rather than become a para or quad -- it would be cheaper." Kinda makes your stomach turn a little.
The CEO is a 60-ish woman who is referred to as Cruella deVille.
She like to hire people to control them, both their professional and personal lives, and she is partial to hiring gay men (I assume because there are no wives or children to get in the way), and quite often those under-qualified for their jobs.
When the FL office opened, Jo (a female manager) transferred from MI to FL, and assumed the position of office manager. A guy was hired for an underwriting position, which is what his background was. 'Cruella' started leaning on this underwriting guy, and promoted him to be her personal assistant.
Like her previous male assistant, she has dictated what he did after hours (dinner and entertaining), who he dated, even forced him to sell his house and rent another from a friend of hers "to be closer to the office".
Cruella would tell him how she liked to promote people, move them up, and them let them crash. She told him to 'watch to see what she did to Jo'. Not long after, Jo was told to go back to MI or she wouldn't have a job. This guy was moved into the position of office manager, until he couldn't take any more.
Next, Cruella hired 'her favorite gay waiter' to fill the $90, 000/year office manager position, despite having absolutely NO experience in anything remotely related. Having no previous knowledge certainly made it easy for her to train him.
So many people are fired for exercising any sort of independent thought. MCIM wants only mindless individuals, or those who can be bought. People are promoted and paid more than they are worth, so they can't go anywhere else and get a comparable job or salary, and have to put up with it.
This is only a small sampling... my lunch hour is over.