Meal Balance LLC is a MLM program in which team leaders are recruited to sell food to their friends and family whom are to sell friends, etc. Its a Multi-Level Marketing program similar to the likes of Mona Vie and Scentsy in which consumers purchase $250+ in food twice a month. (more on the food later)
They hired me to be their brand spokesperson and produce media for them. As a new company they engaged in deal with me to payback for services over the course of their first year. My company did approx. $12, 000 i work for them, accepting $2000 up front with the rest to be paid quarterly tied into their gross sales. Basically, my company assumed the capital and time risk for a larger back-end reward which looked attractive to us, so we agreed.
After 2 very lackluster quarters, the new management has plans in place to turn the company around and now feels based on their new projections that they should not have to pay the remaining percentages for Q3 and Q4 and have decided to terminate the contract. They were more than willing to take the risk when they had no money and the percentages were small, but now that they are planning increased sales, they do not want to pay the percentage moving forward - to top it off they re no even making an offer of reimbursement for the remaining balance from the initial production.
On top of that, the company is using photographs on their website(over 50) that they do not have permission to use. I shot these food pics to help their bottom line, and now that i am not tied to that bottom line I have asked to have them removed and they are ignoring the request. I own full rights to those pictures and everyday they sit on their site they are being used illegally to promote their business.
Lastly, a lot of people reading this may be researching whether or not they would like to participate as a customer or team leader in the Meal Balance program. I would encourage you to do your homework and research the individuals involved. I am not the only unhappy vendor of the new management and am left wandering if they treat their vendors this way, how will they treat their team leaders and customers. MLM is founded on team leaders trusting their company and the new management has a poor trust track record in my opinion.
For those considering the program, I would also have you taste test the foods. While on the program, my wife and I found very little to be appealing (just our preference) and I was very surprised to find out at one point most of their foods were being purchased at local supermarkets and Sam's Clubs and being re-packaged. (I realize tis is not illiegal, but begs the question why you would spend for the product.)
Again I stress to those reading that this is my experience with Meal Balance. As a former spokesperson for the company, I am very surprised with this turn of events, but want the public to know. I will be posting behind the scenes videos soon with ex-participants from the program to help you form your own opinions.