Medwestern Lifestyles Ltd. sell tickets for Tony Robbins the motivational speaker. I had used them in the past for one of his seminars and afterwards thet phoned me regarding another seminar. I stated that I could not afford to go but they stated I could pay in installments. This seemed like a good idea so I agreed and gave them my credit card details. But instead of taking the payment in installments they took all the money at once leaving me in huge financial difficulty. When I rang to question this they insured me there would be no problem and promised a refund of my money. This of course never happened and it had exceeded the 3 months so my credit card company did not want to know.
When I speak to them on the phone they just laugh at me and say theres nothing I can do and have asked me to stop ringing them or they ust laugh and say payment will be with you in a couple of days but of course nothing happens. These are people who endorse Tony Robbins and they are crooks. The date for the show has passed, I said I did not want tickets for this show as they are obviously not tust worthy. So they have £800 of my money and I have nothing. No one will reply from MedWeatern and Tony Robbins does not seem to have a complaint problem. The guy who I dealt with Mo Hansen and who sold me the tickets laughed and said there is nothing I or the law can do and he hung up on me. I am starting to believe him and this is my last chance. I hope someone out there can help me as this Mo Hansen has really stiched me up.