This is a complaint again Medall Precision Diagnostics in Chennai. I am a senior citizen and I had taken my daughter who is suffering from a serious ailment for a scan to Precision Diagnostic Center in Chennai.
The center is crowded and these people do not have a facility where serious or ciritcal patients can be immediately treated or diagnosed. I saw a few instances of pregnant women fainting after waiting for hours on end .. .since all these precision centers do not have adequate number of diagnostic machines, all the patients have to wait endlessly. On some days you can see patients with critical ailments who pass out in the waiting area. Waiting areas resemble railway platforms with no one to chaperon waiting patients. The administrative staff are very rude and unhelpful. There is no canteen inside unlike other diagnostic centres. We pay more for sub-standard quality at Precision Diagnostics.
Inadequate number of toilets in most of the centers, are another problem for women and children.
The people who run this diagnostic business are trying to have very less machines and infrastructure and trying to earn crores. They charge exorbitantly. It is high time that the government started diagnostic centers, just like the recent government run dental clinics.
I only hope the government of India, depute a body to look into greedy intentions of certain companies in the healthcare industry.
Yes, these diagnostic centers are very expensive for the low quality of service they provide. The true spirit of Healthcare is no longer there in our society. Its all about Healthcare industry becoming Vultures preying on the sick and the dying.
They charge us in many thousands of rupees for each usage of their machines, while actually the making 300 times profit on operating these machines.
If we compare rates around the world, the cost in Indian Private Diagnostic centers is still about equal to rates in Europe or US. Although we live in the third world, we still end up paying first world prices, all because of faulty governmental regulation and lack of regulation on prices and costs of these essential life saving medical services.
Furthermore these guys are also moving into rural india to fool the gullible rural folk and part them of their monies.