This company provides managed "care" prescription drug services to members. They require the use of a mail order service for any prescription used long term. The customer mails the paper prescription from the doctor, then awaits the appearance of the medication. The medication prescribed for me was on the Medco formulary at a premium price.
I submitted my prescription and waited three weeks with no medicine and no word why. Finally, my doctor's office received a form requiring that they verify I had used two cheaper drugs unsuccessfully before my prescription could be approved. They verified the information and submitted it to Medco by fax.
One week thereafter, I received the doctor's written prescription by mail from Medco with an accompanying letter stating that they needed more information from the doctor. They had already had the additional information for a week and, they had cashed my check three weeks prior BEFORE verifying with the doctor that they would even be willing to approve the prescription as written. They took my money with no particular intention of providing any product.
Upon receiving the returned written prescription, I called the number provided for information. I began by going through an eternal recorded phone loop of useless options. Then I waited on hold for 30 minutes for a CSR. After 10 minutes she informed me that my prescription had been approved and invited me to wait on hold for another half hour to speak to customer service to find out when the pills might actually be delivered.
This company is immoral. They prey on people who are ill. They take money, provide abysmal service and withhold the product for which the money is paid.