Liberty/Medco Employee
May 29, 2011
corporate greed
Mr. David Snow, CEO
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
100 Parsons Pond Drive
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417-2604
RE: Scaling Back for Success
Dear Mr. Snow,
My name is Jeff Grosz; I am a former employee of Liberty Medical Supply who is also a member of your “Scaling Back for Success program.” And I want to share with you how I was treated and humiliated. On Friday, February 4, 2011 while I was on a conference call I noticed that Chris Maffei’s Executive Administrative Assistant was calling me, so I sent her an e-mail and said that I am on a conference call, how can I help you; the reply I received was Chris needs you to end your conference call now and come over to his office; I ended my call and proceeded to his office. When I arrived in his office Mr. Dingle was present, I sat down and was told, as you know Medco is moving towards shared services; therefore, your position with the company is being eliminated today, thank you for your hard work and services, and now we need your badge, and Willis will go over some paperwork with you. Nice way to be treated isn’t it.
Are you surprised yet, or is this the way you tell your people to carry out this task? Well, regardless allow me continue. After reviewing my paperwork with Mr. Dingle I was told I can not return to my desk to get my personal belongings so we will have security get those items for you, you can leave now or join us in the conference room when we tell your team that they too will be terminated today, I decided to join everyone in the conference room so I can be there for my team while they are given this terrible news without a minutes notice, and to provide support, and wish them well. Of course on my way to the conference room I was escorted by representatives from HR, and security as if I was some criminal, or someone who would cause trouble, what a good feeling David, made my day. Along the way to the conference room, I stopped to say goodbye to some people that I worked with, and wished them well; of course I was told to hurry because we are on a schedule, I guess they couldn’t wait to tell the others. Needless to say they were ignored, I worked with a lot of good people, and you think some HR clerk was going to tell me to hurry, and not allow me to say goodbye, and thank you? At this point what did I have to loose.
Prior to leaving, I was provided with a list of job openings that I could apply for, I would have thought that with nearly five years of hard work, dedication, and providing excellent customer service, I would have been offered a position, I guess I should have known better. I sent three e-mails, and left one voice message with Mr. Dingle that I was interested in four positions; finally I received a reply only to be told that a mistake was made, those positions are only for internal employees; you think I would have been given the option to apply for a position while I was still with the company, but I should have realized that this is the way Medco/Liberty treats people. I am so thankful that it turned out this way, as I am thrilled with not being part of the Liberty/Medco organization.
I would think by now that Liberty shirts no longer have “Liberty Pride” on the shirts, as “Liberty Pride” was taken away years ago when Medco acquired Liberty, you don’t believe me?, then send out a survey and ask one question, Is there Liberty Pride at Liberty, yes or no? I bet I can tell you what the survey will show, and you know it too, a big NO.
Or are you and the management team afraid to hear the truth, and too focused on your corporate greed, and sending jobs to India. Maybe you and your team need to take a few steps back and take a look at the organization, talk to the employees because there are so many miserable people at Liberty, unfortunately the job market isn’t strong right now, or a lot of people would be gone.
Sure you have an obligation to the organization, and to the shareholders, and some business decisions are difficult at times; however, I don’t have a problem with the fact that I was laid off, it’s the way the situation was mishandled. I saw this coming two weeks prior when Vincent Bonetti and Sam Savornic came to visit and asked a lot of obvious questions, and had difficulty looking me in the eyes when they were talking to me, again greedy sneaky people on the Medco/Liberty team.
Who do you think you are to treat reliable, loyal, energetic, organized, professional people in the manner in which you do? Is that the way to treat someone? How would you like to be humiliated the way I was? I was treated like last weeks trash, thanks David.
I’m not an ungrateful person, and I do appreciate the severance package, and I realize I could have walked away with nothing; however, I earned it. Also, I wish Medco was as quick to process my Cobra as quickly as you cancelled my benefits. You caused me nothing but aggravation, my medical bills for my doctor’s visits were denied, my respiratory equipment, and prescriptions were rejected. Maybe next time you terminate people have a little consideration, talk about slamming the door on someone’s face, maybe you will have the opportunity to experience what I went through.
I hope this letter and any other letters you may receive leaves knots in your stomach, and maybe someday you will realize how your greed and the greed of the corporation effects the lives of hard working, dedicated individuals and their families, so enjoy your “Scaling Back for Success” program and continue to make your millions, and the billions for the corporation, while scaling back and sending jobs to India to save a buck or two. You have a lot of two faced, back stabbing, sneaky executives at Liberty/Medco, and you are the ringleader Mr. Snow. Maybe someday when you’re sitting alone your conscience will get the best of you, and you will come to realize that money isn’t everything.
Jeff Grosz
Cc: Willis Dingle
Chris Maffei
Joan Kennedy
John Staines
P.S. You should click on the links below and listen to the words, it reminds me, and former and past employees of the Liberty/Medco organization.