Mediababy LLC operates also with the name of Targetpoint Media owned by Thomas Rogers Founder, CEO Ph: 954-688-2422 Fax: 954-688-2423 [email protected] and Brian P. Stetten office: (954) 688-2422, ext. 240 Fax: (954) 688-2423 Media Baby LLC 33957-3961 NW 126th. Avenue Coral Springs, FL 33065 email: [email protected] [email protected] AIM: sagecalc, BrianStetten Web site:
Mediababy LLC charged us $500 for a email rental campaign but Never ever did it, even they never had any intention of doing the email campaign as they have NO email list as such. Brian Stettan runs a fraud network in which he gets the customers for the company only to Rip them off. IMHO they are cyber criminals and spoiling the name of online advertising industry.
Here is the email I received from Thomas Rogers/Tom Rogers agreeing to REFUND my $500 for their inability to send out any campaign as they do not have any list, but they never send us our check instead Brian Stettan calls me up and says he left the company and when called on his extension, he pics up the call!! What a cheap guy.
Email from Tom Rogers, CEO of Mediababy LLC received on July 23-2010:
I have done some looking into this and found that we have been defrauded, Scott we have been in a move since July 10th and have been waiting on at&t to install our T -3 in our new location which is now been confirmed for Monday at 10 am. I have been outsourcing our email to a local company that I have known for many years and assured me that it was straight email…its not Its been put on an exit pop network.So I will first apologize to you, and offer a full refund or I will mail it on Tuesday, please understand that we had no intention to take 500$ from you and I believe we will make you happy with the results. The option is yours and again I apologize for the situation. Tom
Thomas Rogers Founder, CEO Ph: 954-688-2422 Fax: 954-688-2423 [email protected]
As you can see Tom accepts that they did a fraud and had no list of their own so they used to outsource it!!! He agrees to refund my money but my calls goes in VM's and he has not replied to more than 10 emails which I have sent it to him and fraudster Brian Stettan to return our check!!!
A cautious note to everyone in the online advertising media:
Beware of Mediababy LLC also operates as Targetpoint Media and Brian P. Stettan and Thomas Rogers. They will NEVER do what they say!
Brian Stetten LinkedIn profile: