I went to an Orthopedic firm in Palm Beach Gardens Florida to have a cast removed from my arm. I waited nearly 1 1/2 hours for the surgeon, speaking to a fairly new young woman who had just come in from S.C. to work in Florida. We finally heard the doctor speaking outside of the examining room and the young woman came in and asked me to follow her to the casting room because the doctor instructed HER to take cut off the cast. She picked up the cast-cutting saw and said to me "I have not done this for an awfully long time", and proceeded to cut into the cast, downward from the elbow to the outer part of the wrist. She then attempted to remove the cast from the arm with the tool used to pry the cast open for removal, but could not get it off. She then made ANOTHER cut down the outer part of the arm to the wrist, but there was a piece of plaster at the bottom which was giving her some trouble. SHE THEN MADE A "RIGHT ANGLE" CUT INTO THE PLASTER AT THE TOP OF THE WRIST AND IN DOING SO CUT A SCORE INTO THE PISIFORM BONE (SOFT) AND LEFT A SUBSTANTIALLY VISIBLE SCORE MARK IN THE WRIST, BURNING THE BONE.
Weeks later, my entire wrist, fingers, and arm were swollen and in terrible pain, as they are now. However, the cut into the pisiform bone is more visible than ever.
There is incredibly bad pain shooting into my fingers, hand, wrist, arm, and elbow of my right hand. (I am right handed) I have little use of the hand. I cannot have invasive surgery due to a Klebsielly organism which resides in my right side and the mortality rate for surgeries where the patient has Klebsielly runs anywhere from 50 to 90 percent. I hoped that this might subside, but it appears that I shall have this pain forever. I cannot sleep, nor do any right hand functions, such as opening a bottle with my right hand.
Please advise.