My complaint is about this company which took my money in less five minutes since I said yes and bought the membership of this company to access to "affordable health care". I paid $314, but when I tried to get the benefits, nobody answered me. When the sales person was trying to sell me the product and asked him about the benefits he said " You are going to pay around $25 to $50 per physician visit", but it was NOT true, because I contacted my physician that they said she was in their network and she didn't know about the program, finally customer service said that I could get around 15% to 40% discount, so my OBGYN charge around $300, so I would have to pay $180 per visit plus the membership to them $179, so this is not BETTER than insurance plan as they say.
After that, I decided to cancel the membership the same day that I bought which was in Nov 6, 2008, But they said that it's going to take 7 business day and I don't understand why they don't get my money back right away. IT'S NOT FAIR. Besides they are liars.