While in mexico staying in Guadulajara, I began to bleed heavily and have sever pain. I went to the nearest emergency room at Porta Le Huerra hospital. I was examined and test run and found large pollap and crystalized endometrus and a pap that indicated abnormal cells. The onconlogisdt recommended immediate surgery and had a pathologist on standby to test for cancer. I am 62 years old.
The surgery was 6 hours and and I was in the hospital from Jan. 19-21, 2011. I did have endomerial cancer. I was releaded on jan 21 and stopped by the business office to arrange payment. I have the emergency care insurance for out of country. The bill was over 16, 500 US dollars. I only had about 5, 000. us dollars which I used to pay the hospital. I still owe more to the hospital and the doctors. But I have to wait for the initial reimbursment from secure horizons to continue paying the bill. But secure horizons is dragging their feet and not paid a dime. The doctors at Gudadalara are all cooperating as is the hospital, but secure horizions is making everything so complicated, so that the time will run out on paymnet. they have been sent all the documentation.