As a first time "self-employed" individual facing the end of employer sponsored health insurance, I was "taken" by a smooth talk, high cost, low coverage policy. In addition to paying an excessively high premium, I recently found when I had an actual need to utilize my health insurance (after 8 mos of perfect health), I found out that I had no coverage for diagnostic testing. It seems odd to have an insurance policy which only covers me if I am healthy. Now that I have a need for real coverage having found a lump in my breast, I am not only NOT covered to find out if it is cancer, I am uninsurable by any company because I went to my Dr to have it checked. Mega Health "offered" to allow me to try to "qualify" for the Diagnostic Testing rider which would cost an additional $30 per month, but they will not approve me for this additional coverage.
This seems to me to be the most basic of coverage, not being included in a standard plan. It is like ordering Basic Cable and being told that CBS is an extra charge when you call to complain that your cable is not working properly.
Is this REALLY legal?????