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Category: Family & Pets
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Melaleuca Reviews
M.K. Price
May 29, 2010
Didn't honor a credit
A friend called and asked if I would be interested in ordering from her company. To help out a friend, I said yes. The overpriced order came and I thought that was the end of that. A month later a package from Melaleuca came to my house. I hadn't ordered it so I sent it back. Two months, two packages and two returns later I called my friend and asked to have them stopped. She said yes but not before the company, without my knowledge or permission, took money from my account. Melaleuca wouldn't return my money and would only give me a store credit. When I went to use the credit, they told me that it had expired. They are a company of thieves.
Traci McDaniel
May 18, 2010
taken money from my account without my knowing
When I first started with Melaleuca, I asked the lady who was signing my up if Melaleuca will take any money out letting me know about it and she told me no.She told me that before they take any money they will notify me before they do.Even with the back up packadge.Well Melaleuca took out around $63 without my knowing.I went to my bank on May the 5 to put $10 in and found out I was still in the negative by $58.I found out that Melaleuca withdrew the money on my back-up packedge because"I haven't ordered anything from their company".When I called the company, a young girl on there decided to explain what the back-up was for.When I told her that the company was to let me know, she oh well.She told me that I have to pay to send the packedge back and when they recieve it, they'll e-mail me with a number to call.But she didn't know if when I'll recieve my money(minus the sales tax).I don't have the money to send it back.
May 5, 2010
Scam and watch your bank account
My husband and I had checked into Malalueca via an ad we found. We went through and online orientation and things sounded pretty good. My husband asked if this was going to cost us anything and we were told NO. The representative asked for our checking account info so that our "income" could be direct deposited into our account and at the end of the little orientation, we were then told it was going to cost us $29 to get started. We told this "gentleman" that right at the time we couldn't afford even that because I was only working part-time and collecting disability benefits and my husband wasn't working at all. We were barely able to afford our rent and that was why we were looking to make money in other ways. The following week Malelueca withdrew $53 from my account and when we called the company we were told they had permission. I never signed anything giving them permission and they were told AGAIN that we wanted nothing to do with paying them money. The very next month $53 again was taken from my account and I went to the bank and closed the account, my bank is now going after the company to get my money back. I recieve at least 1 phone call per DAY from the company telling me my account number is invalid and each day they are told the same thing "I want nothing to do with your company and the account is closed" Today I am told they sent a package of over $60 to my old address and they can't take the money from my account because it is invalid...what does it take to get it through their heads? I have not lived at that address for over 2 months, closed my checking account, told them right were to stick their company and they still don't get it. BEWARE...don't get involved or you this is what you will be going through. It started out quoting $29 and in 3 1/2 months it is now $60 that they have been trying to scam us out of. I have had to open another account, change my direct deposit, had bounced checks because of them taking money out of my old account, been evicted from my home because I couldn't pay the rent due to the bounce fees and the money this company took without my permission. Please be careful.
April 14, 2010
Bought the vitamins and I got very sick from them
I signed up for melaleuka and ordered the vitality 4 for women. I took them as soon as they came and eveytime I took a dose I got sicker and sicker. My rep told me that his rep told him that I was supposed to take only half of them and I would feel better. I was nausous, dizzy, short of breath, throwing up, had hives and welts on my body. Also I would get so sweaty the sweat dripped down my back. I can't even believe they would still tell me to take them. They told me this was normal!!!
Carolina Coast
March 26, 2010
charges and cancellations
I was with Melaleuca for a couple of months and realized this wasn't for me. I sent them a notoarized cancellation letter and then canceled my credit card because I was warned that Melaleuca would continue to keep you stuck with them by shipping and charging you stuff you didn't order. WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOW! ITS TRUE!
After notarized hand written cancelation letter and canceled credit card I get confirmation a few days later saying they have recieved cancellation. Then a few days after that I get a email saying products (back up order) have been shipped. WHY DID THEY DO THAT? THERES NO WAY TO CHARGE ME!
The stuff arrived and then came the phone calls crying for there $72 bucks. I told them send me the money and I would ship it back because I DIDN'T ORDER THIS! She said I had to make cancellation by the 25th of the month thats why a reorder was sent, and the policy was that I ship it back at my expense and she would credit my account. I said to her why did you mail this to me when the card had been cancelled, ..she had no response. Well then fine whatever to get you people off of me, so I sent them there stuff back via priority mail with signature confirmatin at my expense.
And you know what? These extortionist are still call wanting another $7 bucks and some odd cents to officially close the acount. PEOPLE STAY THE HECK AWAY!!!
I have all emails and confirmations to verify everyting I went through. Remember if you have to join a club or membership to get something it isn't worth it. The time it took for you to sign up witll take you 20 times longer to get the heck out of it.
February 5, 2010
Scam and trap
No one should ever be obligated to purchase something they don't want. I found myself feeling uneasy through the presentation. I was told the products were so natural that a baby could drink them. So I asked for a bottle of several Melaleuca products and read the labels. Sure enough each one had a warning: for external use only drink water immediately and call a poison control center. ("so natural that a baby could drink them") That was only the first lie. The comparison between Melaleuca products to other brands made me smirk. I don't use any of the products they to compared Melaleuca.
Then came the whole load of Shtooyot about purchasing points. 35 points mandatory every month (around $55 - $62). What happens if I already have too much Melaleuca and don't want to spend $60 this month? They just send me the back up order from the form that they were trying to get me to fill out. Whether I want to spend or not they take my money and send me more overpriced zevel, So they have rights to my bank account now? I would feel more like I am being taxed illegally. Taxation without representation. If I remember right we fought a war to be free of that. This company is downright un-American. In addition I was asked to sign a form to be a marketer selling this scam. I refused. I will not sell something I have never used. The sales rep snatched my other form quickly from under me. I suppose he thinks he will charge my Visa. The one I closed out. I can live without it for a week. He then told me I have to sign the marketer form. I said no. He wanted to charge me an extra $29 for it too. I told him again no. Then I told him I will research this company more before making any commitments. The anger in his face was quite telling. He then told me how long he and his wife had been with Melaleuca. Even before they were married. Yes can you believe that two Melaleuca reps went and got hitched? He then went into praising Melaleuca products again telling me that since he had began using Melaleuca Tooth Polish (Tooth paste) he had almost completely no problems with his teeth. Hmmm? Have you ever heard the expression "out of the mouth of babes"? Well not long after this his son smiled at me. The child's front teeth were black. I was stunned, a very very sad thing to see. Sheqer! A *** sales-thief more dishonest than intelligent, and that poor child. How could he? We left there and began researching Melaleucha on the internet as I said I would. If for nothing else to simply be true to my own word. We read a myriad of complaints about the company. Especially from people trying to get out from under them. I was not surprised by this. The written and faxed membership cancellation letters supposedly not being received by Melaleuca is classic big business delinquency. This kind of tactic is known all too well in many other countries. A tough economy has been in such nations much longer. In the U.S. our generation is now only beginning to see what desperation in a bad economy does to people. G'navim like Melaleuca use these times and types to swindle for them. But they are only a symptom of the sickness. Corruption of the high authorities of a country causes this lack of prosperity. When times are tough people become desperate. Poor countries have their pick pockets and prostitutes as airport and metropolitan greeters. They await foreigners with the wealth to travel there and exhibit their sorry state as living proof of this. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan":
There are about 40 million people over age 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. = Forty million job openings = result = Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. = Forty million cars ordered = result = Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage = result = Housing Crisis fixed.
Get any easier than that?
If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes...
While we're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I'll bet both programs would be fixed quick!
As for Melaleuca I could smell the baaaddd of them from the presentation. The more business they get, the more enemies they make.
Want your friends to treat you like a leper? Just get involved with some scam like Melaleuca and they will never talk to you again. This would be great during an H1N1 hog flu outbreak or if you just want to be left alone, very alone.
Vinegar, salt, seltzer, all great non Toxic cleaners. Vinegar is a superb *** killer. Rubbing alcohol is fine for windows and mirrors just have ventilation and common sense. Shaving cream? A regular bar soap works well. After shave? Again rubbing Alcohol works fine without extra smells and chemicals. Under Arm Deodorant? Well anyone who lives close to the ocean can test this. Salt water when it dries works very well. I live far from the ocean and buy $peed $t!ck Active Fresh by M&nn&n. It has no Aluminum and costs less than $3.00 at W@lm@rt. My point is obvious. No one needs to spend a fortune on home care products. The old ways are still the best. Forget cult like sellers like Melaleuc who need to trap people into buying their obviously over price zevel. Want a healthy way to clean your house, and toiletries for your body that are not a Chem. Lab? Ask the most lucid elderly people you know how their parents and grandparents did it before these chemicals were invented. In fact how did humanity survive the past millennia without all of this modern poison? Common sense is a knocking, beckoning you to contemplate this for the apparent and inevitable conclusion.
December 4, 2009
Do not sign with this company
I answered an add for a job off my space. They enrolled me into a motivated moms where you sell melaleuca. Without explaining everything they charged my credit cards for products that I didn't order. I am a single mom and was searching for a job and all I got was ripped off. I have tried to be nice and speak with the customer service department to return the items. There customer service has been horriable I have been pushed off on so many people and transferred. Everyone kept giving me different answers. Do not sign with this company.
September 11, 2009
Unauthorized use of credit card
I woke up this morning and pulled up my husbands checking account to find a pending transaction of $63.24 from Melaleuca. I have been a member of Melaleuca for 5 years now with a small downline. Knowing I had not placed a order nor had my husband, I began researching to find the charge was for a person in my downline. Her backup order shipped and her form of payment was declined so my husbands card was charged.
How does this happen? Well some time ago my downline was having rough times and I agreed to help her cover her points so I place a order for what I needed and used my husbands card online. Click the box to "not save form of payment" and you think your safe. Well with online orders, forms of payments are saved.
I called Melaleuca thinking this could be resolved but guess what. THEY HAVE THEIR MONEY AND CAN CARE LESS ABOUT ANYONE ELSE!!! This was pretty clear after going from Order Department to Customer Service and then to a Manager and having him tell me "we can not reverse the charge to a debit card, you are going to have to contact the downline and have her send you the money". I COULD NOT BELIEVE THIS WAS REAL, so I continued to arugue that Melaleuca had not right to charge the card for something not innitiated by this household but from them and their backup order program. The Supervisor went on to say there is nothing that could be done and argued with me the rules of ordering online - WHICH IS BULL_ _ _ _. I continued to demand he send me a check and take up collections with the customer not me the upline.
I know there is something so illeagle about this so anyone with any help or info of what to do next please let me know.
Damage Resulting = Financial Loss of $. I nor my husband should be forced to pay for a downlines backup order and then forced to collect from them. Melaleuca had no authorization to the debit card that they had on file for a one time used in the past. My downline I am hoping is refusing the order and it will be returned, but how can I really know for someone who lives 3 states away.
September 6, 2009
Big scam
Melaleuca is a scam. First they tell you can make tons of money referring friends, but what they don't tell you is you have to buy from them at least $60 dollars worth of products a month not including shipping and these purchase must be made every month or they send you a box of supplies you do not want or need and charge you anyways. Before you can even shop at their site you must pay a membership fee. Which is total ridiculous? I was a member for four months and never earned a dime. How could I since I have to get 3-8 people to shop with them for at least 3 months before I could receive a commission. Unless you have tons of friends with tons of cash. I wouldn't even give this site a chance. They don't even tell you how to leave. You have to go through many Channels that are really long and full of hassle to get yourself uninvolved. In my opinion it a big SCAM!
July 11, 2009
Scam charges
My wife got scammed into signing up for this after a so called “friend” saw her on Face book. She no sooner said hi when she was cajoling her into joining this pyramid scheme. That’s how they make their money, signing as many people as they can. Besides having outrageous prices ($26 for nothing more that a 16oz. bottle of glorified Lysol, or over $70 a month for their non FDA approved vitamins, $20 for 10 breakfast bars), when inquiring how to get out of this scheme, I got hassled by a snotty saleslady ("Director') out of Blaine, MN. (initials S.W.)who called the cops on me for asking honest questions about how to quit which she wouldn’t answer! Plus they automatically charge your credit card a $60 minimum a month even if you don’t order anything. They just pick out some crap and send it. From what I read on other posts, it's very difficult to quit this pyramid scheme, having to send them certified letters and hoping it reaches the right people.
I would definitely steer clear of this outfit.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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