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Melaleuca Reviews

Terry July 8, 2009
Scam charges
My wife got scammed into signing up for this after a so called “friend” saw her on Face book. She no sooner said hi when she was cajoling her into joining this pyramid scheme. That’s how they make their money, signing as many people as they can. Besides having outrageous prices ($26 for nothing more that a 16oz. bottle of glorified Lysol, or over $70 a month for their non FDA approved vitamins, $20 for 10 breakfast bars), when inquiring how to get out of this scheme, I got hassled by a snotty saleslady ("Director') out of Blaine, MN. (initials S.W.)who called the cops on me for asking honest questions about how to quit which she wouldn’t answer! Plus they automatically charge your credit card a $60 minimum a month even if you don’t order anything. They just pick out some crap and send it. From what I read on other posts, it's very difficult to quit this pyramid scheme, having to send them certified letters and hoping it reaches the right people.

I would definitely steer clear of this outfit.
Evan June 20, 2009
Recently I had made a report on Unsafe Products in reagrds to Melaleuca ingrediants. At that time I was not aware of the fact that I needed a log-in to update any of my comments. I have seen that one person has made a rebuttal in the favor of this company stating that the products have been good for their family and has improved their way of life and overall health.

First of all, there would have to be documentation from a health care provider that proves that the products bought were actually responsaile for any health improvements. Second of all, anyone beliving in any of this nonsence has simply not done thier homework! All I have to say is that I have found documentation on Melaleuca posioning and causing allergic reactions! These sales people and consumers should really check out all the facts first!
jsflorida May 6, 2009
Can't cancel
One day after signing up, I learned on the internet what a scam this was. following their instructions I sent a certified letter, FAX and email to cancel. After reading many of the online complaints I tried to cover all bases. On November 22, 2008 I wrote:

"Please cancel my agreement made via internet on Friday November 21, 2008. Please cancel all and any agreements including but not limited to the three that were on the webpage. Cancel any orders, cancel any kits even though I did not make any orders or order anything, please cancel anything and everything that would have to do with me being a buyer, consumer, distributor, member or any other terminology used by your company. To clarify further, I cancel any type of agreement I could have with your company and do not authorize any charges to my credit card. Reason: Research of your company was negative."

Everything seemed OK and surprise - only in March, 2009 a charge showed up (were they hoping I wouldn't notice?) I disputed it with the credit card company and it was reversed. Now in April the same thing. the credit card company got them on a three way call and after reading the content of my letter they said I failed to cancel on their website! The credit card company ate the cost as Melaleuca refused. I agreed with the credit card rep to go online and cancel according to the instructions we were given on the conference call. Guess what? there is no cancel instructions.

finally I was able to cancel at
Real easy to find huh? Even though we were told we could just go to the melaleuca site and easily find the cancelation instructions.

What a scam!
Juliet April 19, 2009
Unauthorized charges
I signed up for melaleuca under the understanding that I would make money because 'everybody would buy this stuff'. Well after the first few months of limitless phone calls and countless hours of unpaid work. I am disabled in a wheelchair and I have 3 children, 1 terminally ill, and 1 with autism. My husband is my full time caregiver and we receive less than a thousand a month for disability for a family of 5.

After 6 months of being forced to spend at least $50 per month mandatory on their overpriced products (which some were 'ok' but not worth the price) I sent a cancellation letter explaining we could no longer afford to put any more money or time into their company. I also informed the person who signed me up and they harassed me to no end to 'hang in there' that we would soon be richer than we ever dreamed of...blah blah blah.

The next month a package shows up on my doorstep and lo and behold they charged my credit card $65! I called the company and they claimed never to have got my cancellation letter and it cosed me another $12 to send the products back! (I was out nearly $30 from shipping costs which were not refundable)

Again I sent another letter, this time certified, and the following month another package arrives! And may I add, due to these charges it made us short and late on our rent evey month for 4 months in a row causing our landlord to have to cancel our lease.

In the course of that 4 months 9 letters were sent 3 registed, 2 certified and notarized and 4 regular (I have all receipts) And all were received but not claimed to have been received and when I called asking for the mail dept and the person who signed for them I was told they no longer work for melaleuca...blah blah blah... We finally lost our beautiful home and as a result could not find an accessible place and had to resort to living out of our van and using the ymca to shower, and the library for homeschooling our children and use of the computers.

We have now been homeless for 2 months and yet Melaleuca continues to send packages to our old address even though 2 have been sent back (no longer at this address) and they continue to charge our credit card, once for the package (our mandatory backup order + return shipping). I have even faxed and received faxed confirmations that they received our cancellation and they continue to charge us! They were even so bold as to automatically renew our contract without my permission! I have not received even a penny of refund from them (only excuses that I have to call their long distance number as they cannot transfer me to that dept...and I do not have a cell phone or long distance card.) They even have it in their records that we are homeless and we are still getting charged money we cant afford and useless empty apologies and excuses why we cant get our money back.

So, if you see the word melaleuca, TURN AND RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!
Michelle March 12, 2009
Unauthorized charges
After my father died last year, I reviewed my parents' checking accounts to find that my father had done business with Melaleuca and they had deducted between $800 and $1, 000 from my parents' checking account each month. My mother has a mild case of Alzheimer's and was not aware of my father's spending addiction.

I called Melaleuca and asked them to cancel the account, but they continued to deduct funds from her account without sending products.

I called Melaleuca again, but this time they would not speak with me, since the account was in my parents' name. I attempted to have my mother speak with them, but they literally left her in tears. I then sent a certified letter demanding that they close her account and discontinue deducting funds from her checking account or she would file a law suit. That didn't stop them immediately, but they did stop after about a month.

Yesterday, over a year after canceling the account, Melaleuca started deducting funds from her checking account again! I am going to find out if Mom can sue Melaleuca for theft. This company really should be shut down.
wen0332 March 10, 2009
Unauthorized Use Of Card for Downlines Backup Order
THIS IS JUST NOT MY YEAR - 2nd Ripped Off Complaint (What is this world coming to?)

I woke up this morning and pulled up my husbands checking account to find a pending transaction of $63.24 from Melaleuca. I have been a member of Melaleuca for 5 years now with a small downline. Knowing I had not placed a order nor had my husband, I began researching to find the charge was for a person in my downline. Her backup order shipped and her form of payment was declined so my husbands card was charged.

How does this happen? Well some time ago my downline was having rough times and I agreed to help her cover her points so I place a order for what I needed and used my husbands card online. Click the box to "not save form of payment" and you think your safe. Well with online orders, forms of payments are saved.

I called Melaleuca thinking this could be resolved but guess what. THEY HAVE THEIR MONEY AND CAN CARE LESS ABOUT ANYONE ELSE!!! This was pretty clear after going from Order Department to Customer Service and then to a Manager and having him tell me "we can not reverse the charge to a debit card, you are going to have to contact the downline and have her send you the money". I COULD NOT BELIEVE THIS WAS REAL, so I continued to arugue that Melaleuca had not right to charge the card for something not innitiated by this household but from them and their backup order program. The Supervisor went on to say there is nothing that could be done and argued with me the rules of ordering online - WHICH IS BULL_ _ _ _. I continued to demand he send me a check and take up collections with the customer not me the upline.

I know there is something so illeagle about this so anyone with any help or info of what to do next please let me know.
Damage Resulting = Financial Loss of $. I nor my husband should be forced to pay for a downlines backup order and then forced to collect from them. Melaleuca had no authorization to the debit card that they had on file for a one time used in the past. My downline I am hoping is refusing the order and it will be returned, but how can I really know for someone who lives 3 states away.
Richard March 9, 2009
My wife got scammed into signing up for this after a so called “friend” saw her on Face book. She no sooner said hi when she was cajoling her into joining this pyramid scheme. That’s how they make their money, signing as many people as they can. Besides having outrageous prices ($26 for nothing more that a 16oz. bottle of glorified Lysol, or over $70 a month for their non FDA approved vitamins), when inquiring how to get out of this scheme, I got hassled by a snotty saleslady ("Director') out of Blaine, MN. (initials S.W.)who called the cops on me for asking honest questions which she wouldn’t answer! Plus they automatically charge your credit card a $60 minimum a month even if you don’t order anything. From what I read on other posts, it's very difficult to quit this pyramid scheme, having to send them certified letters and hoping it reaches the right people.
I would definitely steer clear of this outfit.
Susan February 25, 2009
Difficult to Cancel Auto Shipments
It appears to me that Melaleuca has intentionally set up cancellation requirements which are designed to hinder and slow down their customers' ability to cancel their dreaded automatic "Back-Up" shipments. Let me explain.

Melalueca has a policiy requiring that their customers must submits a request such as this in writing with a signatuere present on the request. In this day and age, e-mail is an extremely well-accepted method of communication which can provide verification of when the communication was sent and that the e-mail originated from the e-mail address listed on the customer account. Melalueca, however, will not accept an e-mail request to cancel these shipmets.

Additionally, a phone request should also be acceptable to any reputable company. But, again, Melalueca's policy is to only accept cancellations via a letter with a signature present. The company claims that they must have a signature to authenticate that the customer REALLY wants to cancel their shipments and that someone else is not pulling a fast one. (Who would care or take the time to cancel someone else's shipments???????!!!) Further, the request must be sent to a special address, directed to the data entry department and to an address which is different than the main company address.

All of these ridiculous requirements are clearly an attempt by Melalueca to slow down the ease with which customers can cancel these unwanted shipments. I recommend that you don't do business with this company to begin with, but if you have fallen prey to their marketing and promises of earning big bucks, send your cancellation letter by certified mail so that you can prove that a letter was sent and verify when it was delivered.

The other horrendous practice of this company is to hinder and slow down their customers' ability to return unwanted packages easily. The most obvious evidence that the company is truly trying to prevent customers from easily returning their products for a refund is the fact that these automatic "Back-Up" shipments contain an invoice which lists the products enclosed, but does not have an actual invoice number, the customer name and address, a return address where the unwanted packages can be sent or a customer service phone number. I know of NO reputable company today that does not include all of these items on the most basic of invoices. (Even most of my purchases from eBay vendors include invoices with this information.) The clear intent of the company is to circumvent these returns.

The company does have a Melalueca address on the invoice, but it is not the correct address to use if you want to return your merchandise for a refund. Not including the customer name or invoice number on the receipt is a tactic designed by Melalueca prevent customers from getting a refund if they do not open the box, but, instead, leave the box unopened and write "Return to Sender" on the outside. If a customer does this, they would get absolutely no money back because with no name and address on the enclosed invoice, the company would claim that they did not know who the package was from. Further, even if a customer does open the box, but is not looking critically at the receipt, they may write on it that they want a refund, but not put their name and address on it so, again, the company can claim they did not know who the package was from and, therefore, cannot offer a refund. Additionally, customers need to be alerted to the fact that they cannot return the package to the address listed on the invoice. The package needs to be returned to a completely different address found on the outside of the box. These guys are devious!!!

I think the company's behavior is shameful. If they had a great product at a good price, they would have no reason for this ridiculous game-playing. They obiously know that they products and pricing structure do not stand up well on their own and have found it profitable to slow down their customers abiltiy to cancel their unnecessary and unwanted shpments. If Melalueca was a reputable company, they would not have to resort to such tactics. My warning, "STAY AWAY FROM MELALUECA!!! Their products are way over-priced and the company will do everything they can to confuse and slow-down the process of cancelling their automatic shipments and returning their products!!!" Buyer BEWARE!!!
tkillday February 5, 2009
Automatic charges
My wife got scammed into signing up for this. Besides having outrageous prices ($26 for nothing more that a 16oz. bottle of glorified Lysol, or over $70 a month for their non FDA approved vitamins), when inquiring how to get out of this scheme, I got hassled by a snotty saleslady out of Blaine, MN. who called the cops on me for asking honest questions which she would answer! (Initials S.W.)
I would definitely steer clear of this outfit.
Patti Williamson February 4, 2009
charged for something didnt want
I was wanting to start working at home. Went on my facebook saw one of my friends who I had gone to school with known for a while, was looking for busienss partners to work at home. I inquired with her and fille dout the paper work but then thought about it for a day realized I didnt want to pressure people into buying products and then ask them to recruit people to sell the products also. called her with in the 3 day limit I was given to change my mind and told her I wasnt interested and to cancell my paperwork. She told me she had called and it was done. They dont tell you in the fine print that they also require a letter signed by you to close your acct. So now here it is a month and a half later and I am having checks bounce becaseu they automatically shipped me my monthly order which I have never placed an order or gotten anything from them. If you dont order something they just send you stuff and charge you because they require you to accumulate so many points a month. Stay away form this company!!!

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