Watch out for the fine print on this one. When you buy this you are also buying an auto shipment of expensive vitamins.
The web page notes that with your DVD's you get:
"FREE Supply of our Essential Boost fat burning supplement"
Nowhere on the receipt you print does it say that by buying this product you are also signing up for auto-shipment of vitamins at over $25.00 per month.
The only place you find this is on the shopping cart page in the small print. That is the only place.
Buy with caution. You can only buy this product if you agree to auto-shipments of vitamins costing over $25.00. You do not have the option to not be put on auto-ship for vitamins.
I got burned by this - I don't want anyone else to. Now I have to pay postage to send the auto shipment back and hope that I can stop them from making additional charges to my account for vitamins I do not want.