They offer a "Daily Opinion Survey" that can be worth 600 Memolink points
if you are qualified to complete the survey. as well as an entry into a
sweepstakes for $50, 000.00. Since 02-15-2008, I have been having a
recurring problem with not being able to complete this Survey. The first
time (02-15-08) that I had a problem with this survey, one of the
technicians was kind enough to refer me to the outside company that
supposedly runs this survey for Memolink, but he also went ahead and
credited me for the 600 Memolink points. The second time (03-12-08), he
refused to credit me the points until I went through that other company
first. I tried contacting them, and sent him a copy of that email, letting
him know two days later that I still hadn't gotten any response, even though
I was a panel member of the other company. :( I tried to persuade him to
credit me again for the 400 Memolink points, but was unsuccessful in that
attempt. The third time (03-13-08), I went to the other company first, then
three days later, contacted Memolink Support to that individual's attention
with a copy of the email I had sent to the other company and a statement
that the hadn't yet responded. I got no help that time, either. Today is
the fourth time I had a problem. I am absolutely certain that no outside
company was involved with this problem, because here is the web site where
the problem I encounter occurred: Notice that
it includes Memolink in its URL, not once, but twice!!! I am attaching all
of the Word documents that I saved from the complaints I sent to Memolink
regarding these problems.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would investigate my complaint, mete
out the justice that is due, and inform me of the result of your
investigation. Thank you very much.