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Category: Home & Garden
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Menards Reviews
June 28, 2011
Wrong Flooring
We were in the Menard's in Celina Ohio. This was our first time in a Menard's and a just looking trip ended up being a $350 purchase of flooring:. We were camping near by and couldnt take it with us so the next day we drove an hour and half home to turn around and drive back to pick up our flooring;. They had it plasic wrapped and on a skid for us when we arrived|. We got home, unwrapped it, and found out it was the wrong color". I have been told by Ray that we should have checked it before we left/. That means having it unwrapped and then waiting for someone to wrap it up again|. I guess in this economy that they can pick and choose who they compensate for their mistake?. Lowe's and Home have our business.
June 14, 2011
Stay away
Honestly people, is this what the world has come to? Internet trash talking about your perceived slights?
How many of you have actually worked in retail? I doubt any of you who are bashing retail employees have ever actually held a job in retail. If you had, you would know that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE EVERYONE..
Someone will always find fault somewhere;. And the majority of the time, it isn't an employee's fault, it isn't a store's fault, it isn't anyone's fault but their own?.
It is unfortunate that you people are so incredibly unhappy that you have to go into a store and verbally assault an employee who obviously can't fight back (or lose their job), . I HIGHLY doubt any of you would dare say such things to someone outside of the store|.
So please, do us all a favor: stay home and keep your misery to yourself.. Or go talk to a professional, because you clearly have some serious underlying issues you need to work through|.
April 1, 2011
Poor Customer Service
On 3/04/11 my husband and I went to the Rhinelander, WI Menards store
24 miles away from our home, to purchase carpeting for our living room. Little
did I ever think this would turn out to be such a NIGHTMARE!! We dealt with a
sales person by the name of Nick W. We explained to him our needs regarding
this carpet purchase, such as size of room, color needed, and durabilty needs,
etc.. Our room measures 19x15 ft. he suggested we go with the 15ft. wide
selections instead of the 12 ft. wide (standard width). He showed us the
choices we had and we chose a color called Fawn. The carpeting was on sale, as
a matter of fact all thier carpet was on sale and was supposed to be the lowest
price of the year. Our choice was on sale for .99 per square ft. The carpet
was ordered as a special order as they do not carry large amounts in stock. We
were told we would either receive a phone call or an email when the carpet was
in. The invoice showed the date of 3/11/2011 as
an estimated date of delivery to the store.. We asked Nick what else was
needed such as adhesive as this was going onto a concrete floor. He picked out
the type we needed and we made our purchse and left the store. I waited until
3/17/2011, to contact the store to see if the carpet had come in as I had not
heard a thing. I was then informed that the carpet arrived to the store
3/07/2011, but no one contacted us! I then made arrangements to rent a
pontoon trailer to transport this large roll to our home, and a person to help
my husband get this in our home. I also called the installer and made an
appointment to have this installed on 3/21/2011. The carpet was picked up from
the store by our driver on 3/18/2011, and the carpet was in our home at 6:45p.m.
The roll was wraped in shrink wrap and the ends covered tightly. That evening
my husband rolled it over to see the actual color in our home (Please note the
sales man refused to give us a sample of the carpet the day
we made the purchase, he claimed he did not have the athority to cut the
instore sample). my husband tore the plastic off from one end only to find
the horrifying reality THIS WAS NOT WHAT WE ORDERED! We ordered FAWN a medium
taupe color this carpet was almost white, it was not even the same quality of
pile we chose! I called the store in the morning and was told we needed to
bring in our paperwork and to cut a small sample from the end to show the store
what we received. We were unable to return to the store until 3/25/2011. My
husband and I went strait back to the flooring department with paperwork and
sample in hand. We found a sales person and explained to him what was going on,
he was very nice and said he would get the manger. Well, this is all went down
hill from here! Her name was Tammy J. Her whole attitude was negative towards
us. She antagonized my husband to the point he lost his cool. She stated this
was our fault, we should have known what was o
rdered. She also insinuated we were trying to get a better quality carpet then
we paid for! I would like to bring to the attention to all, that this carpet
color we chose was in a display arranged by shades. This display contained
about 20 aprx. 15"x15" squares that were priced differently. In other words
they were not arranged by price but by color. I tried to tell her I orded a
color called Fawn, and I showed where I picked it from. She then snapped at me
stating no way was this carpet .99 cents a sq. ft. I told her we had given the
original sales man the sample and he took it from there. We could have in no
way known what the price was as all there prices are coded! Meanwhile she
contiued to have a poor attiutude and poor cutomer relations skills. She stated
we would be charged a $50.00 restocking fee, and would have to return the roll
we had before a new roll could be ordered or pay for both! My husband kept
saying that this was not our fault but the stores fa
ult why should we have to put out money we cant afford?? I totaly admit my
husbands language was not appropriate, but understandable. I asked my husband
to leave the department and I would continue to handle this on my own. Before
my husband left he noticed the sales man "Nick" the fella we dealt with from
day 1, and we called him over. Tammy explained to him in these words: These
people claim you orderd the wrong carpet and now they want this color for the
same price, ! At first Nick acted as though he had no clue as to what I was
saying, I had to ask him at least 5 times if he remembered any of our
conversation that day. Meanwhile Tammy the mgr. remains snotty, rude and
disrespectful towards me. Then Nick says I do remember, and said to the manger
" she's right, she is telling the truth, this is my fault I know what I did"
He then told her that he had shown us this section of 15' wide choices and the
color we chose was the first one, FAWN. When he wrot
e up the order he went back to the dispaly and wrote down the number on the tag
from the shelf, but never looked to see if that was the same number found on the
back of the sample we chose. He was very apologetic!! He kept saying to me how
sorry he was and that this was all his fault. Granted this was his fault yet
this manger did not budge on her poor attitide or customer skills! She remained
firm in demanding a restocking fee and the difference in price be paid before a
new oder could be placed. I had to negotiate with her not to charge the
restocking fee as this salesman has admitted it was his fault, and cancelling
the whole order and going somewhere else for carpet was not an option, She then
decided not to charge the fee but then demanded the roll of carpet be returned
first before this new roll could be released. We also had to pay the difference
in the price. I asked what was the price the day we ordered the first roll? She
claimed they had no way of going ba
ck to check that, and then said the best she would be willing to do is give me
tomorrows sale price today $1.39 per sq. ft.! She credited me for the original
roll and re charged me for the new roll, and stated I will not release this to
you untill we receive the first roll. Now we had to rent the trailer @ $40.00
per day for the first roll, this meant I would have to rent the trailer again
which comes from Rhinelander 24 miles away. Meaning we would have to drive to
Rhinelander to pickup the trailer come to our home and again pay not only for
the trailer but for someone to help again to load this roll on, drive this back
to the store, exchange rolls, and drive back to Three Lakes get this unloaded
and carried up the drive way again and into the house, then drive all the way
back to Rhinelander drop off trailer this is a total of 6 trips, 144 miles not
including the other 48 miles for the first roll we picked up and the 48 miles we
drove round trip to fight the nightmare
! I let her talk and then asked to speak to her supervisor she informed me he
was gone for the day it was 2:00 pm on a Friday afternoon! I was so upset and
mentally drained I left the store. When we got home I called the installer but
they were closed for the weekend and had to wait until Monday morning to inform
him we could not keep the appointment. I was then informed because I did not
give them 24 hours notice I would be charged a $65.00 fee. After I explained to
them what happened the installer stated he had turned down a job because of our
appointment but so that his whole day was not a wash he would come to our home
and remove the old carpeting and charge $30.00 his travel charge . This was
done and paid. That same morning I called the Menards store and asked to speak
with the store manager, I was then connected to the manger named Troy. I in
great length explained the entire situation. The first words out of his mouth
were I totaly stand behind my dept.
mgr.! I explained to him from start to finish what had happened, he agreed to
give me a "store credit" for $70.00 the amount of the first trailer rental and
the installers fee. I gave up and agreed. On 3/29/2011 I received an email
stating the carpeting had arrived at the store. I called Troy and explained to
him that we would have to rent the trailer for 2 days plus all the extra gas and
milage. I pleaded with him to please allow us to pick up the new roll of carpet
and return the wrong roll of carpet on the return trip with the trailer, this
would save 2 round trips! HE REFUSED! Said the best he was willing to do is
take the $70 "store credit " and apply it toward to delivery and pickup. I
figured lets ends this and agreed he said it would cost about $50.00. I was
then connected to the delivery department to schedule this transaction. WELL
HERE WE GO MORE HOOPS TO JUMP! The woman answered and asked for our address,
she stated under 25 miles it was $47.9
5 and over 25 miles it was $ 67.95. She then informed me that according to map
quest we were 32 miles away! I was checking on the internet through Map Quest
while I was waiting for her to return to the phone, Map Quest showed 24 miles
form our front door to theirs! I told her Map Quest shows 24 miles, she
stated not the route they take! Whatever! They managed to consume our $70.00
store credit! SCREWED AGAIN!! Then the delivery driver Drew, called me and
asked if there would be someone here to help him carry these 2 rolls back and
forth etc... I told him in no way were we willing to do this again, and this
was there job, he said well that means we need a second guy and that they would
have to charge me an additional $20.00! I refused he told me I would have to
talk to the mgr. Troy to get this waived I told him YOU talk to Troy. He later
called me back and stated they would cover the second guy, but wanted to know if
our road had a weight limit? I have
no idea! I had to wait untill the morning to call the Town offices! I was
told by the secretary that no permission would be given and that it was the
delivery companys responsability to accomidate accordingly! I then again
called Menards and spoke Again to Drew, he said they would use a different
truck, and delivery was set up for late am Thursday 3/31/2011! I will wait
until tomorrow for our carpet and only pray in the name Jesus it is ok!
trailer $4Damage Resulting = expense of gas and wear and mileage of vehicle, rental of
0.00, $ 15.00 for help with first roll to be carried in (NOBODY does
anything for nothing) Installers fee for cancellation $30.00 this was supposed
to $65.00. Time, effort and aggervation, not to mention embarrasment in store
as other customers looked on!
March 29, 2011
Misleading advertising for no interest promotions
Because I had a no interest promotion due in March 2011, Menards refused to allow me to pay for my December 2010 BIG CARD purchases; instead, they charged 24.99% apr on my Decemeber purchases and threatened continued interest charges on all BIG CARD purchases until I sent in enough money to pay off the promotion.
Menards owes me the interest they tricked me into paying.
I say tricked because no one in store management understood the conditions attached to last fall's promotion. If store management cannot find or understand the rules, how can a customer be expected to!
March 22, 2011
Blackmail and extortion
I use to work for Menards. I gave up three years of my life that I will never get back. This is one of the worst companys to work for and this is why.. During the time that I worked there my lunch breaks were always cut short because of under staffing. My days off were taken away where I would have to work 12 days in a row for months at end. My family and friend life was gone after the first year. My store manager Blackmailed me in to my management spot because he did want to look bad with a manager stepping down to a carrie out just to get out of his store. Thats how badly I wanted out. I was willing to be a carrie out/cart pusher just to leave that store. Which sucks by the way. Who wants to go to work everyday knowing that your store manager is blackmailing you? I watched so many good employee quit or step down because they couldn't take the emotional abuse anymore. All in all I'll never shop there again. I'm working on starting a boycott aganist the Menards Mafia for there extortion, blackmail, fraud and most of all there illegally disposing of hazardous ash. If you want to join in feel free to email me. Thanks and god bless
Jan lucas
February 22, 2011
Refused to honor veterans discount,and would not accept rebate
I Jan C. Lucas made a purchase of several items, at Menards 6800 Pendleton Pike Indianapolis, Indiana. The cashier informed me they no longer gave 10% discount to veterans. I spoke to the manager and he said Menards believed this was discrimination against all the good people who chose not to serve, and he was one of them. They also refused my rebate coupon, issued by Menards.I'm an 80% disabled veteran and to refuse a discount that Lowes, Home Depot, and until today Menards offered is an insult to me and everyone else who has served and bled for this country, while the good people who cower are afforded the same benefits.
February 15, 2011
wrong color paint
I bought 8 gallons of off-white flat paint as I am trying to sell my house and need to paint several rooms. I put one coat on in the Master Bedroom and went to put on a second coat the next day. The color didn't match initially, but I thought they would after the second coat dried. The next day, it was obvious that they didn't match, so I took the remaining paint back to the store. The woman at the paint counter identified that several gallons had different bases. The clerk who helped me before had gotten the paint off the shelf, so this wasn't my fault. They knew I wanted the same color. Although they replaced the paint with the wrong bases, I was still out a gallon after putting on the second coat of the wrong color. I tried to explain this, but the woman at the counter wasn't having it. She said there wasn't much paint taken from the first can (it was at about half). Regardless, I think they should have either replaced or reimbursed me for the first coat I have to redo.
February 11, 2011
Discontinued Military Discount
On a shopping trip to Menard's in Lancaster Ohio on January 31, 2011, we were told by the check out person that Menard's no longer honor Military Discounts. We were stunned and asked why. The person said it had been in effect since January 1, 2011. Well that does it! We are returning to Lowe's to buy all of our shopping needs. I am very disappointed in this company for doing this, after all, these men put their lives on the line for us! You should post something in the newspaper or all of your shopping adds.
February 3, 2011
Non response
I have had the Menards "BIG" card for years. Last year I purchased over $4, 000.00. On several occassions during the past few months I have asked when I might receive my rebate as advertised. I have nver received an answer or a rebate in all the years I've had a big card. John Z.
I don't know why you need one hundred words, but I would like to get my message accross before writing to the home office in Eau Claire. I now need to come up with fifteen more words in order to satisfy your recommendations.
Sharon demarte
February 1, 2011
Said they wouldn't honor warranty more than once
We bought an counter top ice cube maker that quit working when we returned it they said the extended warranty was canceled after 1 replacement the one replacement was because it came without the ice cube basket or scoop and the warranty on the new one was void because this was the 2nd one we had replaced also the company wasn't making any money if they had to keep replacing things. what the lady didn't seem to understand is we have bought at least 3 of these things in the last couple of years so we aren't replacing the same one all the time she thought we were bringing them back just before the warranty was up.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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