I had a nervous breakdown in Tehama County because of continued abuse I received beginning in childhood. When I was a child, I was taken to UCLA for some tests. My caretaker at the time was giving me medication and drugs to calm me from being ripped away from my family as a child. Well this pill enduced sexual behavior, etc. unknowingly I was being given medication pretty much all my life, i was a test experiment and have been since childhood.
I have also been threatened by Mental Health Staff Members in Tehama County if I did'nt take the pills they wanted me to or do what they said I would never see my children again. I went to Mental Health seeking help and instead of helping me with counseling, they just kept shoving pills down my throat.
I have severe PTSD from the Trama I went through as a child and still today. Apparently, Mental health thinks that a pill can cure everything. Well it can't, a pill cannot take away years of abuse. The best way to deal with Trama is to let someone speak freely about what happened to them without being threatened if you speak about it.
When ever I tried to get help to speak about the trama that happened to me, no one wanted to listen or I was threatened or told to keep my mouth shut. This is not okay. It is not okay to force someone to take Phsyc Meds and do Experimention on Humans to see what the pills do to a person.
Phsyc Meds are very dangersous. No pill can cure a lifetime of abuse, and being used as a test subject for Phsyc Meds is not okay. I have found that being able to write and speak freely with counseling without prejudice or passing Judgment on someone without knowing the whole situation and what caused the trama.
I have learned with having a Case Manager at mental Health has been most affective for me, however, I was reluctant to open up and still am with my current Phsyc for fear of being Locked in a Facility and threatened again.
The Phsyciatrist in Tehama County Sara Seeger was abusing her Authrity with her clients and threatening them if they didn't do what she said, that certain individuals would never see their Family or kids again. No this is not okay!!!