I have a problem, which I think may be time to seek your advise about (once again as it contnues).
On August 19th 2009 I had the misfortune of my mercedes breaking down. Since the car has been
paid off, it was out of warranty. (this was my second car) I called home start AA who informed me that
this car problem was 'comprehension'. The car would start but not turnover. I am not mechanically minded.
Breakdown service took the car to Motozone 59 Moore Road / 20 Sydney Road Durban. They told me
that the problem could only be solved by them reconditioning the engine. I am not a car fiend (but this
seemed wholly inappropriate). Tel 031 305 9709 Vernon or Brendon
They stripped the engine requested I pay R28, 500 as the job was big, they stated. My car is still with them, they now say it has an injection problem and the car still will not start. I reported them to RMI, once already
but have not yet recieved response, now almost seven months later they are asking me for a further R7600 +/- and my car is still not moving. (If the problem was injection why overhaul the engine?)
This garage obviously have no idea what their doing with my car. In this time I have been paying
my road insurance for a car which is off the road. Every time I call them I am told a 'cock & bull' story
(sorry for the language) and informed the car will be ready in a few days.
I would like your assistance to get my car out, and my money back ...seven months and they can't fix
the car.
Car details Reg. ND 567 594
Engine Vin: ADB2021256F288419
Duncan Dlomo