Not very long ago, the “engine-problem” light in my MERCEDES came on, at which stage I drove the vehicle directly to Rola Motors to have it checked.
The computer could immediately trace the problem and an engine-part had to be replaced. I think the cost was about R20’000. Initially I was told I will have to pay 40%. I begrudgingly agreed, feeling that I probably have no choice, and I said nothing. However, someone within Mercedes / dealership seemed to have felt strongly that it is not fair to have the customer pay for what is (I assume) some design or factory fault. As far as I recall, I still had to pay some percentage, but it was drastically reduced.
Not even 5’000 km later (in fact it is probably less than 2’000 km later, in fact it is probably less than 1’000 km later) I heard funny engine-noises when starting up in the morning. The “engine-problem” light in my vehicle did not come on, but I nonetheless immediately booked the vehicle into Rola Motors again. I assumed it is possibly the part that was recently replaced that now gave trouble. Lo and behold when I was told that this is ANOTHER engine part, and this is ANOTHER R20’000-plus of which I am expected to pay 40%.
I cannot believe I am expected (twice in a row) to pay for something that must surely be a design, a factory or a maintenance fault.
I have contacted Daimler South Africa on 10 June. I still have not had a response.