I was with Hearthland for 2 years. My rates were the best at the time. TMG offered me lower rates, 1% less than what Heartland was offering me. Of course I signed up in the middle of the month. I had to pay early termination from Heartland ($300)and my POS ($300) software to change processor, $100 application fee for TMG. I'm out $700 before TMG processed a single transaction. When the 1st statement arrive, I was charged higher rates than when I was with Hearthland. I called up my sales rep, she wasn't much help. She offered to take it to the president of the company, he could do a darn thing. They claimed that my software was sending the batches to TMG 3 to 4 times a week and time stamped is several days; thus I am being charged extra because of it. I batched every night and I match my bank deposit to my credit sales and it shows a 24 hours delay during the weekday from the time I sent my batches to TMG to when I get my deposit. TMG is making excuses and blaiming my software for the extra fees and they have zero proof of this. My proof is in my sales and my deposits. Not only am I out of $700 and I am paying a higher rates than before, I have to move my processing to another company, which will cost me another $700.
TMG will hear from my lawyer. I have the signed contract from TMG with my rates. They are going to have to answer to their deceptions.