The fees/charges this company takes from small businesses are completely fraud. They never provide any service and just take $49 for nothing. Every other review about this company and their illegal practices are 100% valid. YES, these business practices are ILLEGAL in all States.
Ask to speak with Tom Sullivan. He is the owner, regardless of what the person on the phone tells you. Amy (the supervisor) is the one and only supervisor there.
You need to stand your ground and ask for a complete refund. They will tell you, they can only do 3 months, than put you on hold and 6 months and so on. Hold your ground and demand everything they have charged you for. Just because they have a recording from anyone that answers the phone, does not make it legal. This is a FACT!
The person that posted a comment stating they were an ex-employee and there is nothing anyone can do is completely FALSE. Contact BBB of your State, Corporate Commission for Sate of Illinois (State in which this company is registered as a business) your States Attorney General's Office, also the FBI and file a complaint, since this company has no ground to charge and take money from you. Enough complaints will get the attention and shut them down. Possibly criminal charge may be brought to the owner since this is not a legitimate business. Deception/Fraud/Money Laundering/Negligence and dozen other charges would be valid in this case.
Company that owns Merchant Technical Solutions is below.
Go to
Type the company name of “United Marketing Group” and you’ll see other assumed names this company is doing business as. ALL FRUAD COMPANIES RIPPING PEOPLE OFF, without providing any type of actual product or service.