November 9, 2010
Timeshare Resale
I used two different companies to try and sell my timeshare- I was to told that if one sold it before the other I could request my money back from the one that didn't sell it. HA! This is the second company I went with after I tried Resort Equity Marketing. This company also guarantees that they will sell your timeshare within 180 days and if they don't they will give you a full refund! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. This is a total SCAM! They claim to advertise the sale of your property in several different ways but all they do is post your ad on their website; when you look on their website for your ad you can't find it without a listing number. Who has this listing number you ask- you do and no one else! They also hounded me until I signed on with them, required another large 'fee', made all sorts of promises and guarantees and then didn't explain their basic requirements to keep my ad running- Since I signed on with two companies at roughly the same time, I had no idea that I had to call them every 60 days to repost my ad!! I finally called them to find out what was going on with my ad and they told me that the ad had been dropped!! They then reposted it and after a year of trying to sell it and not receiving a single call, I finallyasked for my money back as was promised; they told me that I didn't call at the allotted time so all guarantee's were voided. I called them several times to try and work something out and they ignored me. I filed a complaint with the BBB and again totally ignored me. Just do yourself a favor - if you want to sell your timeshare work with a reputable company NOT MERIDIAN MARKETING GROUP!!