MetLife Disability

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MetLife Disability Reviews

Jill E April 29, 2011
short term disability
My heart goes out to all the people who have had the same unfortunate experience that I have had. This is my 3rd week waiting on MetLife, after they got money out of my check biweekly. I do not have any civil words at this point, and benevolent patience and understanding are almost beyond me now. I have furnished them with information that they required, trusted them sight unseen. What if we stop putting $ in their pockets? I hope some governmental agency investigates them.
Heather of WA September 17, 2010
Denials of Legit STD Claims
If you are a business, insurance broker, or employee and are considering MetLife Disability as a part of your insurance policy, I would strongly recommend that you research this company diligently and consider other options.

I have been with the same company for 3 years and my previous for 8 years and I have never taken any kind of leave. I work hard and take my job very seriously. I recently saw a doctor in regards to a medical issue and the doctor wrote me off of work for 4 weeks. I filed a short term disability claim with MetLife Disability and provided them with ALL of the medical information they had requested. Doctors notes, medical documentation and the doctor’s orders that I could not perform the necessary duties on a daily basis for the job in which I hold.

After the 4 weeks in which I was off, I returned to work and on my first day back to work, I found out through MetLife that they had denied my claim. What? How can they I asked myself. My board certified physician wrote me off of work unable to perform the duties of my position and they are able to challenge the advice of my doctor? Doesn't seem right does it?

I wrote an appeal letter, got even more documentation from my doctor and stated the appeals process. My claim has been in the appeals process for over 2 weeks already and I have been told that it can take up to 45 days. They are sending all of my paperwork and documentation to a doctor of their choice, well actually a doctor that is on the payroll for MetLife. That doctor will decide if they deem me unfit to work for those 4 weeks (SOLELY BASED OFF PAPERWORK). My doctor would never have written me off for 4 weeks without seeing me in person, examining me, prescribing medications to treat my symptoms and continuing to see me at least once a week! So how can a doctor who has never met me, did not have an appointment with me during the time of my illness, never saw any of my symptoms, and has never talked to me decide if I was unable to work for the time that I was off. ABSOLUTELY INSANE! I pay for this insurance to cover me in a time of a medical leave out of every paycheck.

After doing some research on my own I have found that MetLife Disability denies over 80% of the claims it receives. The appeals division’s job is to make you jump through as many hoops as possible so that you will give up on the process and accept the denial. Their bonuses and annual raises are based off how many successful denials of claims they are able to make each year. I will not be renewing my short term disability on my insurance selections this year and in the future will not work for a company that solely offers MetLife as a choice for STD. Do not sign on board with MetLife Disability as they are a corporate scam.

I will continue to post this complaint on every website that I can find, every day, to reach as many people and organizations wanting information on this company as possible until my claim is approved and I receive a paycheck which I am entitled to.
CXCaldwell August 8, 2010
Terrible Service
So, I have put off surgery on my rotator cuff for about 9 years. It was not a pressing matter and I could function just fine in all positions that I held regardless of job requirements. So, in Dec 2009 I have a 2nd MRI done and it shows that my rotator tendon is almost completely torn. I am in constant pain and it needs to be repiared within 8 months. So, I schedule my surgery for June and get a hold of my employer. I ask who covers our short-term disability and find out it is MetLife. Never having used any type of disability, I get some info and do my due diligence. I find out that I am paying into this program to get back 60% of my pay while I am out. So, that gives a little pause. I read some reviews and some non-partisan literature and am satisfied that they will be an adequate provider. So, night before my surgery I call our insurance carrier and make sure everything is in order and then attempt to contact MetLife. I get through but they can tell me nothing as I have not officially been out of work yet. This is my first red flag.
So, surgery goes well and recovery is coming along during that first week. I am trying to monitor my STD(short0term disability) account but cannot find it in their system. I call. I get a rep that gives me some info. So, I go back to the web and try again but to no avail. Now, per their own literature, the account manager for my claim was supposed to call me within 2 days of my first day out of work. It is now 4 days and I can't even access my account. So, I call my employer and speak to the person that handles our health information. I give her the info and she calls me back later unsure of how to proceed. After 8 days of this, I finally get a call from my claim manger to whom I have left 6-8 pleasant and not-so-pleasant voice mails. I am desperately trying to track down this alleged info that they still need while heavily medicated and unable to drive. So, I finally get it all organized and then she calls(Anne C.) to tell me she has everything they need and the claim is approved. So, it becomes obvious to me that they had it all along and just could not get it organized. Now, I have raised red flags 2, 3, and 4. But, wait there's more!
So, they approve my claim for 6 weeks. But, my 1st follow-up with the doctor is not until week 7! So, I tell Anne C. this and she says that she will call my doctor and employer and get it extended. This is mid-July. I keep checking my account and do not see any changes. So, I get a little worried. I call my rep at my employer and complain vehemently 2 more times. I feel like I am being strung up and left for dead here. So, finally I make my 10th call to this woman and tell her that "I require immediate action" as it is now Aug 7th and still nothing. We are going out of town, I need this resolved. Red flag number 5 goes up.
So, MetLife policy is that if your case manager does not call you back in 2 hours, another one will. I leave my messages multiple times and NEVER got a call back from anyone. Anne C. did return my call 1 time out of 6-8 calls. This time, I leave my message at 830am. Again, for the 8th time or so, the associate tells me they are making a note on the call sheet and thasomeone will call back within 2 hours. So, I wait patiently by the phone. 2 hours go by, then 3, then 4, then 5, then 6. It is now almost 3pm and I just get a call back. It isn't even my case manager. I tell this lady my situation and Bingo! she extends my STD until I can at least see my doctor. Now, remember that I told my case manager this back in mid-July. Why could Anne C. not have done this then and not waste almost a month of my time?
So, here I sit. My STD is only approved until I get to see my doctor later this month. Then it takes AT LEAST 7 days for me to be able to return to work. Meanwhile, I have ZERO faith that MetLife and especially Anne C. will be able to get the required info organized and entered on the day I see my doctor to keep my claim active. So, I am trying to avoid stress and focus on rehab but cannot really do that when I have to spend 40% of my time to tracking down this woman who is non-responsive.

MetLife sucks! The reason most employers have it is because they under-bid 97% of other insurers for these services and offer a decent bulk rate. I wish that at least my employer, with employees over 50, 000, would make a switch!
Harold Gibson July 28, 2010
cut off payments
I had two operations on my neck and the doctors said I would never be able to work again and I was placed on disability. I am premently disable when it comes to working. I am 61 years old. Metlife wanted me to send them doctor papers all the time when they know I never going back to work. The money they owe me was going toward paying them for overpay and now they cut off the overpay check and want me to pay them thousands of dollars I do not have. they wanted papers and I sent them and they wanted more and I told them I did not have any health insurance and could not afford to keep running to the doctor when I am on disability.
metlife September 15, 2009
non paymement of benifits
My story is no different then many in which books are written and stories in the Bible portray. This is David vs. Goliath, the small Vs. the Giant. The Weak vs. the Strong. As a matter of fact the movie Sick is an accurate depiction of what goes on in unfair practices of Insurance companies. I am complaining against Met Life Disability. This is one of the most unethical and immoral group of people I have ever dealt with in my life. They have destroyed a many families while in the process profiting huge returns on premiums. They have sucked up my premiums every month for close to a year. When I had an injury which forced me into surgery and out of work for 3 months, I submitted my request for short term disability benefits immediately. I did so prior to going in for this surgery with hopes that it would be processed and I would not have a lapse in my income. I was assured that all was OK and I could feel protected by them while out on medical leave. As the weeks went by and I was attempting to recover no checks came I. After 1 month of being off work not a single cent came in to keep up with any of my daily expenses. Then came the notice that my benefits had been denied due to my issue being a pre-existing condition. I had always had back paid however these (2) accidents which came months after I had their insurance put my normal back pain into a situation where surgery was required they jumped all over the idea of this being a pre-existing condition. Then I was told that all I needed was a letter from my doctor with dates of these new accident and that would clear everything up I did so with in 24 hours. I followed to the T what the representative from MetLife had asked of me as did my Doctor. This was all of a sudden not good enough, and they now wanted me to go through their formal appeals process which takes 6-10 weeks. Due to my inability to keep a household together with zero income after missing 2 months of work I had to prematurely enter the work force a month too soon which again made my back problems worsen. Very little concern was shown by the representatives of MetLife. I t was clear to me that those who I was talking with were there to make sure Met Life Kept every dollar for themselves which is how they can still afford to host these extremely expensive golf and Tennis tournaments. With the mentality used by the associates of Met Life. I have ever had a Head and than have an accident with extreme Head trauma it would be considered pre-existing. Since Met Life could not afford my 2 months leave of absence I lost my Apartment where I housed my 2 kids, My car which got us to and from work. I as well further injured myself forcing my to take more medications than prior to my surgery and could not perform at the top[ of my game which my job being commissioned based destroyed my financially. . The best part is when I told my employer at a collections agency in Phoenix, AZ of whom I had been a notable top producer and 7 year long employee that I needed to go away for FLMA to get better and off the medications I was immediately terminated. Leaving my family without shelter, income or the necessities to continue an even halfway normal life. Thank you to all you big wigs at MetLife If there is an afterlife I pray that you are no part of any good that may come of it. You should all be ashamed of yourselves especially you MRS. FRIENDLY as she goes by. One of the most underachieving word grabbers using words such as uuhh1…and uhm! And like. On a regular basis just searching for the right words to tell me sorry but you is just another SUCKER customer.
mary shirey June 26, 2009
short term disability
i was put out of work in jan 2009 and have had a ongoing problem with this company. it is always they didn't receive paperwork or they don't have enough information on a case that is self explanatory and has not changed. recently we were told it was in review and a check would be in the mail this week due to condition not changed however everyday i called and talked to them it was it is still in review. now it is the nurse never did it and is being sent to their doctor. to begin with, it is unbelievable a Nurse calls the shots on who is eligible over a doctor statement that puts a patient out. if i remember right a doctor's schooling is alot longer than a nurse. a never have i worked as a nurse and we decided the doctor's statements, records, etc where overlooked by us. my husband has had to cancel 2 appointments with his neurologist due to the delay in checks. he has been unable to get medications, we are about to have utilities turned off due to arrangements unable to be met due to the delay in checks, we have lost our transportation, we are lucky to eat once a day. need i go on this company has caused us severe problems and if any employer tells you they are getting this insurance i would think twice of getting it. health problems that occur overnight is hard enough to deal with yet alone a company you think will help on some of the burden is totally devastating.
TLo December 17, 2008
Short Term Disability Denial
I've had the unfortunate luck of finding out about MetLife's ridiculousness first-hand.

I had surgery in mid-November 2008 - and according to my doctor (who is a SURGEON) - I needed to be out of work for four weeks. All seemed well with MetLife until about mid-way through the recovery period.
All of a sudden - they were calling me saying my doctor didn't provide this or that...mind you - I'm supposed to be HEALING/GETTING BETTER - not stressing out about what the surgeon's office needed to submit.

Long story short - it's the week before Christmas - I'm back to work and found out that I won't be getting paid on Friday. Yeah - thanks MetLife!
They denied my claim because my doctor didn't send them what they wanted (and somehow - I'm also supposed to be well-versed in medical terminology and lingo to know what the h*ll they're talking about)! Though, they never sent a form or request to the surgeon's office.

I have talked to five reps (at minimum) - and for each time I call - I get told something different. Oh - and the best part is that according to them - they are not even supposed to communicate with me until I receive the official denial letter (which incidentally was sent last week - that I mysteriously haven't received - though I've received every other letter they've sent). Clearly, the criteria for working there is only if you are a cold-hearted, dim-witted moron who simply speaks without thinking.

Oh yeah - and now I have to wait 45 days for a decision...
September 19, 2008
Denied Short-term disability
Last year, I had a cervical fusion and was disabled for over 10 months. Even though I had my doctor's notes supporting my inability to return to work, MetLife caused me to get evicted from 2 apartments, get 2 cars reposessed and as a result, I bypassed my doctor's advice and went back to work, even though I was in excruciating pain and developed Sciatica while trying to do too much by going to work full-time. Three weeks ago, at the end of August, I suffered from nausea, vomitting, diarrhea. I thought I had a stomach virus and waited 3 days before finally going to see my doctor. My doctor diagnosed me with gastritis and gave me a note to excuse me from work and gave me Nexium and referred me to a GI specialist. My GI specialist, suspecting that I may be suffering from a Gall bladder attack, sent me to have a Hida test. The test revealed that in fact my gallbladder was diseased, but my physician wanted to hold off until I saw my orthopedist to rule out problems with my sciatica and cervical stenosis, since I had unresolved problems with my cervical fusion. My orthopedist then informed me that I needed to have my cervical spine decompressed because of severe stenosis around the area of the fusion and took me out of work until my surgery, to avoid me from compromising my spine. I submitted all of these reports to MetLife. It's been 4 weeks and still, MetLife is denying my short-term disability claim, saying that they don't have any evidence that I am unable to perform my job. So, here I am again, with the car finance company threatening to come and reposess my car if I don't pay it by tomorrow Saturday. My landlord is charging me an extra $100.00 for being late with my rent. I have no money to buy my medications and to follow-up with my doctors, because of the co-pay. I have been working for my company for 23 years and have paid MetLife's Disability insurance for the past 23 years. Besides being stressed out by all these financial woes and worrying about my upcoming surgery, I've had serious thoughts of suicide and I've completely lost a zest for life. Please help!!!

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