I used to work for Valentine (otherwise known as Val) in his office at Gerrard Street, and want to draw peoples attention to how dishonest he is in business - as I had learnt over time how often he has spent time ripping people off.
He used to:
Have his door staff mark up the walk-ins at a nightclub onto the Metparties list. One night Metparties only had 3 people in on their guest list at the door of a club, but their door host (Emily Rawson) marked up names onto the Metparties list from the people who walked up to the door. These people should have been marked against the in-house list for the club, but Val used to encourage Emily to steal these people onto the Metparties list. The clubs were non the wiser, and used to pay Metparties huge sums of money as a result.
Also with their sub-promoter's, they use to get tell promoters that they only had 6 people in when they had 20 people in so they could pay them less commission. Altogether it was a very disgusting deal.
He would boast that he went to a great business school, but i wondered whether or not this was the way all businessmen like him though - he seemed to think it was normal to steal as much money away from others as possible.
I advise any club working with Metparties to stop, and clubs that are thinking of working with Valentine or Metparties to not do so.
Also, any promoter's that currently submit lists or have ever submitted lists through Metparties should chase Valentine for owed money, and stop putting lists through the company.