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Category: Electronics
Contact Information Altamonte Springs, Florida, United States
Phone number: Huawei Ascend
MetroPCS Reviews
June 4, 2011
Defective Phone
About three weeks ago, somehow, my phone dock became damaged and my charger didn't work on it. I turned it off. Today, I went to the corporate store to see what my options are on getting my phone fixed. I was told by a friend that I had a one-year warranty on my phone in case anything happened to it. I got there and the guy I talked to was very friendly, very descriptive, and I gave him thanks for describing my situation. I am down-right annoyed at MetroPCS. I learned that I had purchased a defective phone (about three months ago) and now I have to pay $10 just to get the new one, and another $39 just to get some memory card that's required for media since the phone itself can only store a couple of megabites. I can pay the money but really the inconvenience they are causing me is really just unprofessional.
Katherine R. Kaufman
April 28, 2011
no support of products sold
On November 11, 2010, I bought a phone and a plan from METROPCS. Then in January of 2011, I added my son to the plan. I have several complaints about my phone. I was told by the lady at the State/Fruitvale store that I was sold a piece of SH-T. Now how do you think I felt with that remark????? My phone loses calls constantly, I have audio feedback, and the quality of the communications on the phone line was horrible. Today, April 27, 2011, I unplugged my phone from the charger, and to my surprise, a HUGE sunspot appeared in the middle of my screen. As the day progressed, so did the sun spot. I called the store that I purchased it from. She stated that it sounded like I dropped it in some water. I told her that was not true. My phone is NEVER near water. She then stated maybe I had the phone where it could possibly sweat!!! Can you believe that???? When I got off work, I took it the store. The clerk looked at it, and said, no water damage!! She asked me to take to the store on Florida/Yale street, because her store did not handle warranty purchases, and it would cost me $10 to buy a new phone. I did as I was instructed, only to be told by the clerk that obviously there was water damage because the sticker on the inside had been removed. I asked him if he was calling me a LIAR? He firmly stated that he couldn't help me, then, refrased it, and stated he WOULD NOT HELP ME, and I was to leave the building!!!
I called back the store that I bought it from, and asked to speak to the owner. She stated she would have him call me. When I did get a call, It was not the OWNER!!! It was the manager, only to tell me that the screen was not covered, that if the phone was to malfunction, it would have done so within 24 hours!!! HOW REDICULOUS IS THAT??????? She proceedede to tell me that there was NOTHING they could do for me!!! If you buy a car, is not the brakes part of the car, should the brakes fail? ]
March 24, 2011
No Service Anywhere
So about three months ago I switched out of Verizon Wireless because I just couldn't afford it at the moment. After looking around for a bunch of choices, and having one of their stores oh so close to my house, I decided to go with MetroPCS. Their services are $50 a month without a contract and they have decent phones. I found one phone that caught my eye - the Huawei Ascend, an Android smartphone capable of amazingness.
I went back to my house and set everything up. I then started looking around for apps to use and I browsed the internet. Sometimes I would be able to load up a page in 5 minutes, sometimes it wouldn't ever load because I had either 1 bar or zero bars. I was confused because they said they covered a lot of locations with good service. I guess mine wasn't one of them.
The next day, I went onto their website (from my PC) and checked the areas where they had the best coverage. To my amazement, it was right on top of my city, my house, where they had the BEST coverage around. Yet I am stuck with 0-2 bars. WTF. I bought a smartphone from them yet I am unable to utilize it's best features because of no internet connection. Thank you MetroPCS.
It's a good thing I finally got my WiFi to work, otherwise I would have returned this phone and gotten something crappier. With a phone like this, you need decent speeds.
4 bars of 3G on MetroPCS is equivalent to 2 bars of 3G on Verizon's service. MetroPCS sucks.
October 17, 2010
Horrible Customer Support
I say get rid of metro pcs period.
After 2years of having a real crippled down cell phone/online experience…and no way of being able to fully back up my phone in any way or form, minus just the contacts…it was time for me to go.
Try calling their support number for anything and its like a long maze process so you spend more time in an automated experience rather than talking to a live person. Metro pcs needs to just fork out the bill and invest in their customers. Their support is horrible.
Overall it horrible and to be honest with you, I would rather spend a nice amount more to cater to a company like Verizon because I'm like this, why should people feel like their integrity as customers and their respect is compromised based on having a cheap phone service? So in essence, Metropcs’ attitude is “well, just be happy with what you get…because your poor and you can’t afford a good quality phone service so this is what you get”. That’s their attitude.
As a person who was against the cost of high cell phone services and a person who is a hi-tech person, i really prevented myself from even getting a cell phone for years, then i tried out Metropcs.
All along i always felt that i was being provided a trickled down service but never said anything because actually i never really knew what i was missing.
But now I am with Verizon and i have the Droid X and yeah my bill is twice the amount…but i can tell you this….my service is amazing and the things that i can do with my cell phone allows me to be more productive, find real jobs, present myself with quality and the feeling that I’m not a second class consumer.
As for the Samsung Messenger, yes I had the phone. But after switching to the Droid X, their is no competition and yeah…..its an OK phone, but it is still a crippled down phone that would seem like an iPhone to any customer who is on metropcs, lol, that’s the funny thing about it.
The music features on the Messenger pretty much suck and you cannot transfer your itunes music to it, furthermore you might as well rule out the whole idea of a playlist PERIOD while were on the music topic because it’s not happening.
After being on both sides on the cell phone experience, I can honestly say that it’s well worth just working a bit harder and having the money to get a good quality cell phone. For having a quality cellphone is like a person having a laptop and an person having Metro pcs is like a person who has not stepped into the computer laptop world in the 20th century.
Sooooooo out dated.
And that’s just my 2¢ on MetroPCS
September 28, 2010
Failure to comply with promises
MetroPCS made numerous representations which proved to be false. In particular, I was promised a full rebate on purchase of a phone. I received less than half. I have written to their customer service department, as well as to their president, by certified mail, but have received no reply from either.
September 11, 2010
Fake Rebate System
The worst ever cellphone company in the US.. I bought a cellphone with a rebate, that i never get my rebate back after 4months. They said my rebate is invalid because i didn't have a new activation number.. Which it wasn't right because i did have that new number. They said in teir rebate system it didn't say that, so my rebate is under review and i have to call back after 7 business days..I have been calling Metrapcs Rebate Center until now since July 2010 every week 1 times, and always give me a different answer from different customer service. It makes me really believes that this company is really a big liar in their marketing and customer services sytem. They gave all the promotions about their rebate in order to sell their cellphones and then create a difficulties for their customer to claim their rebates. when customer complaints about it, they never get any significant answer at all. I will never ever deal with this company again. A big LIAR!!!
August 8, 2010
Ripped Off
In the capacity of my job, I traveled to different businesses in my neighborhood, and asked if they would help out with an event we were having. During my travels I met with John the dealer for your company located on Deer Park Avenue in North Babylon, NY.
As I was also in the market for new phones, I asked about the plans Metro PCS had to offer. He told me that there was no roaming charges with the 50 dollar a month plan, nationwide coverage and that the specials would run out the next evening.
I came back the next day, July 30th, and that was the beginning of my nightmare with this company. That evening, I was at John’s Metro PCS store for over 3 hours, It wasn’t because he was busy, we were the only ones in the store. I again asked him about the plans, John told me we had 7 days to check out the service and if we weren’t happy, we could return them. At that time, he said nothing about the one hour of talk time. He was on my phone an hour alone trying to program it. I purchased 3 phones. Two Samsung Freeforms, and one LG Imprint. I was never given a contract on the 30th. I left with the 3 phones a small receipt for 523, 00 and 3 white pieces of paper listing information about the phone.
When I arrived home, we tried the phones. The grey phone didn’t work at all. The LG Imprint wouldn’t text, picture message or receive calls, and the red freeform couldn’t send picture messages. I called customer service and I had to spend another hour getting the grey one to work. I also found out through that call that I would have to pick up the rebate forms and that I was overcharged. I called John on Saturday told him what customer service said and that I was a little upset. He told me he would have the rebates for me and that I could pick them up when I got a chance. I found out the next day that my daughter called customer service to get her phone working and found out that a place I spend half my time has no coverage at all and that roaming charges are not included in plans. A fact I clearly specified with John the three hours I spent in his store. I went back to his store on Tuesday and picked up the paperwork, and after 2 hours was told I would have to go to the Corporate store in Westbury. Being as I work so many hours and it was so far away, this was going to be a problem. John gave me the rebate paperwork, and shoved the contract in the back of all the rebate information. I didn’t even see it till Friday the 6th. I was very upset. When I got home from Johns store, I called customer service again and tried to get the mess straightened out. Again another hour on the phone and I was not happy with what Joy (904749) was saying about the phones. She had stated that I had to go to the corporate store in Westbury and that if they couldn’t fix it, I could bring the phones back on Friday for a full refund. At this point I had no other choice. I went to work and asked to have the afternoon off to take care of this problem. They complied, and I headed to Westbury. Took 1 ½ hours to get there only to find out they couldn’t help me after an hour. Maria tried to fix it and again told me there is no service where I am. She told me that I could bring the phones back to the store I purchased them from on Friday and get a full refund. So I left very upset and took the 1 ½ ride back home. Friday morning I again went into work and asked for the afternoon off to take care of this problem. I arrived at John’s store at 2:45PM. There was one customer in the store at the time. John was trying to program a phone. By 4:30pm he still wasn’t done. Grabbed the two phones he was trying to set up and said sorry I have to close the store for 30 minutes. By this time I was very upset. I told him I was very patient, and that I wanted a refund. I told him I wasn’t leaving without my money. He then asked if he could trust me and left me in charge of his store for 45 minutes, left to go to his office in Lindenhurst and left me my son and the customer in the store. While he was gone one customer called, her name was Phyllis. She wanted information on a touch screen phone. I took her name and number and left a message for John. When he got back, he was still setting up the customer that was there when I arrived that took another 45 minutes. In the last few minutes before that customer was done, another customer walked in. John put two fingers up and told me to wait. He then sold a Red freeform to that customer, programmed it and made we wait till he was done. When that customer was done, he then said he would see me. When I told him I wanted a refund. He told me no. He stated that there could only be one hour of talk time on phones at this time he hadn’t even checked the time on the phones. I explained that I laid out all this money and still have phones that don’t work and told him to call someone else. I was told on phone that they would escalate it but they didn’t, so all that money, all that time and still no service. I was lied to, cheated and had my money stolen. To say I left unsatisfied is an understatement. I called my bank to dispute the charge. That didn’t work because John stated I signed a contract and that now it was eight days since I purchased the phones. So I filed a claim with the BBB and I plan on filing a complaint with the Consumer Affairs, and Bureau of Consumer Protection. I am a lung cancer survivor with emphysema I work 40 to 50 hours a week for my money. I do not take kindly to people stealing my money. All I want the refund of the $523.00 I was told and promised by not just one, but 4 of their representatives.
Jeanine MP
July 23, 2010
Wouldn't Honor Guarantee
DO NOT PATRONIZE METRO PCS! My 85 year old mother is sobbing because they are ripping her off for $107. This store is an "authorized dealer" which means they can do whatever they want! They don't have to honor the MetroPCS "7-day return policy" and their "salesperson" Brian is sitting around taunting old ladies with his friends. Customer service says we have to return the phone to the store, but the store says they won't take it. Catch-22 anyone? Oh yeah, no manager, either. Then customer service sent us to a "corporate store" and guess what? They wouldn't honor their guarantee, either! No corporate help, no local help. BUYER BEWARE! THIS COMPANY IS A HUGE RIP-OFF! (AND, THEY HAVE 3500 COMPLAINTS IN RIPOFF REPORT
June 25, 2010
Where is my REBATE?
Complaint Rating:
Company information:
P.O. Box 910, Bensenville, IL 60106
Bensenville, New York
United States
Phone: 888-744-8742
I had purchased a MetroPCS cell phone on March, and they informed me that I could get a REBATE back if I fill out the form and mail it to: Samsung/ MetroPCS March Messaging Mania, P.O. Box 910, Bensenville, IL 60106. Must be postmarked by 5/12/10 and received by 5/19/10. Allow 10 weeks for shipment. I filled out the form and mailed it before the due date on the month of March. Today, is 6/25/2010 and I haven't got anything yet from this company. No Rebate!!
Can someone investiage this issue?
June 10, 2010
defective phones/poor customer service
I just bought a Samsung Caliber less than 2 months ago, and encountered so much problems. I went to the corporate store and customer service ordered a new phone for me since I am still under warranty. When I was picking up the phone, they were giving me a refurbished phone which was not as promised to me. After paying for an expensive brand new phone upfront, I felt I was ripped off by MetroPCS, since all they offer is refurbished phones because according to them the phone model is still new. I guess if i waited longer wherein the phone is already not popular then I can get a new phone, which by that time it is no longer not covered by the manufacturer warranty.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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