Dear Sir
Today i.e. 19/04/08 a teacher gives a punishment to my brother so rudely.Actually on Saturday he has a period of Music nd while he was writtin on the notebook sitting near by his music teacher name: Gurdeep Kaur and by mistake the point of pencil by my brother touched at the teacher's finger and after this she slapped him approx 10-12 slaps the face became red and the finger swalloed.Even his class incharge teacher told to my sister that today his music teacher slapped him very much. When we went to meet Pricipal we called the music teacher and asked the reason why you slapped too much to a student.Then she said he touched the point of pencil.Even his class incharge also saying that he is a very nice student. he never used to talk with anyone.
Student Name: Nishank Mittal
Class- IIIrd - C
Roll No. 17
School Name: M.G.M.Public School
Please take an immediate action on the school
My contact no. is 9417050170